Sam's pov

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As soon as I saw that I had hit Mon, a wave of shock and dread passed through me. I immediately rushed to her side and called out her name, "Mon, Mon." I helped lift her up and checked to make sure she was alright. When she told me that she was following me because she was trying to apologize for her earlier behavior, I felt a sense of frustration. I tried to tell her that there was no need for an apology since we were now even. But as Mon looked disappointed and tired, she started to walk away from me. Without thinking, I reached out and pulled her arm in an attempt to stop her, but she ended up losing her balance. My reflexes quickly kicked in and I caught her, preventing her from falling. As I looked into Mon's eyes, I felt a familiar sensation return to me. When I first saw her at the audition, I had been struck by her talent and drive, but now it was something different, now it was just Mon. Mon was looking at me with such intensity that it felt like our eyes were communicating something deeper. I couldn't help but wonder if she was feeling the same energy between us. My mind raced with questions as we stood there in silence.

But before I could process my thoughts any further, the moment was interrupted by a honk from a passing car. We both quickly untangled ourselves, and I could see the embarrassment and awkwardness written all over her face. I felt the same way, unsure of how to react or what to say next. In an effort to break the silence, I asked her where she lived and offered to drop her off on my way home, to which she hesitantly agreed.

The ride home was filled with awkwardness and silence. Mon sat beside me, staring out the window without uttering a word or even glancing in my direction. I attempted to break the silence by asking for directions to her apartment, even though I was familiar with the area. She only spoke when prompted and gave limited responses. Her lack of initiative to initiate conversation only added to my discomfort. When we finally arrived at her apartment, she thanked me and quickly exited the car without so much as a backward glance.

As I drove home, I couldn't help but think about Mon. The encounter we had today made me feel something for her, something I know I don't feel for others in my life. I couldn't stop thinking about her, and I couldn't wait for tomorrow to see her again. I try to shake these thoughts from my head and tell myself, "Stop thinking about her, Sam. You can't do this right now." But, I couldn't help it, my mind was preoccupied with Mon. I couldn't shake off the feeling of confusion and uncertainty after dropping Mon off at her place. Her reaction during the ride home left me feeling perplexed. I couldn't understand what was going through her mind. Did she also feel something for me? Or perhaps she thought it was strange for me to pull her like that and later create an awkward situation by offering her a ride.

Before I could think any further I had already asked for Mon's number from the agency and dialed her number, feeling unsure of my decision to call her. When she picked up the phone and said "hello", I found myself at a loss for words for a moment. Mon repeated her greeting, "hello?", bringing me out of my stupor. I finally responded with a simple, "hello, it's me." Mon asked, "Sam is it you?". i replied yes and then went silent for few seconds again then before the situation turns awkward again i asked her is she reached home safely, she told me she did and thanked me again before an awkward silence fell between us. Not knowing what else to say, I prepared to end the call by saying "So, goodnight-", but at the same moment, Mon interjected with "Sam." I quickly reassured her that she could say whatever she had intended to say.

"I apologize for my behavior earlier and for scaring you by following you to the parking lot," Mon said. "I'm also sorry for acting strange during the ride and for running to my apartment without properly saying goodbye to you, even though you went out of your way to drop me off at my place. I was feeling awkward and it's not an excuse." I assured her that there was no need for an apology. I summoned the courage to ask her, "Mon, why were you feeling awkward?" There was a moment of silence before I checked to see if the call was still connected. "Mon?" I asked. She responded with a quiet "yes" and I reminded her that she had yet to answer my question. To this, Mon replied, "I was feeling awkward because-" and then I heard someone's voice from her side and she immediately told me that she needed to go right now. She thanked me for checking on her and I replied, "Okay." We said goodnight to each other and disconnected the call.

After my conversation with Mon, I felt a sense of relief for some inexplicable reason. Talking to her made my restlessness dissipate. I still don't know what she felt or thought, but I suppose that is a question for another day.

Mon's pov:

As I sat down to eat the food that Nop had ordered for us, I couldn't help but feel famished. I devoured chunks of chicken as Nop laughed and told me to slow down so I wouldn't choke. Nop and I chatted and joked as we cleaned up the dishes, but my mind couldn't help but drift to the events of the day.

Nop, noticing my distraction, asked, "So, who dropped you off today? I saw a fancy car outside, definitely not something you would usually see in our neighborhood."

I replied, "It was Sam. She offered to drop me off on her way home."

Nop's eyes widened in surprise. "Sam? Like, the K-pop star? The one who's all over the media? She dropped you off? Why didn't you invite her in for a drink or something?"

I felt a pang of embarrassment wash over me as I realized how rude and ungrateful I must have seemed to Sam. She had gone out of her way to drop me off, and I had given her an awkward goodbye and ran away like a scared kitten after she had nothing but kind to me. I felt embarrassed and ashamed, and wished I could hide in a hole for the rest of my life.

As I was getting ready for bed, my phone rang. It was an unknown number. "Hello?" I said, but there was no response. I asked again, and as soon as the caller spoke, I knew it was Sam. I didn't know what to say, but thankfully she asked if I had reached home safely. I replied yes and thought maybe I could apologize for running away like a little cat after she dropped me off. But as soon as I said her name, she cut me off and said goodnight. I felt like,"Oh FUCK" but she told me to finish whatever I was about to say.

I finally mustered the courage to apologize to Sam for not properly thanking her after she drove me home and for my awkward behavior. Sam was understanding and asked, "Mon, why were you so awkward?" I was at a loss for words, as I couldn't bring myself to explain that the mere touch of her hand sent electric jolts through my body, rendering my brain in a state of short-circuit.

I was saved by Nop's voice calling me, so I told Sam that I needed to go right now and thanked her for checking on me. She understood and we said goodbye to each other. After disconnecting the call, I immediately lay down on my bed, my heart beating fast. How could a simple phone call make me feel this way? I was both terrified and excited at the possibility of seeing her tomorrow. I don't know what exactly I feel for her right now or if she even feels an ounce of what I feel at this moment, but I guess it's a question for another day.

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