Mon's pov

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As we all took a break, I couldn't help but reflect on my behavior earlier. I realized that I shouldn't have been so outspoken and I might have acted rude towards Sam. I didn't want to cause any tension or hard feelings within the group.

As the practice session came to a close, my friends Miley, Nico and Camilla approached me. "Mon, we're heading out now. Do you want to come with us?" Miley asked. I hesitated for a moment, feeling guilty about my behavior earlier. I knew that I needed to apologize to Sam before I left for the day. So, I came up with an excuse. "I can't go with you guys today. I'm actually waiting for someone," I lied. My friends looked at me with confusion, but they didn't question my excuse. "Okay, well, we'll see you tomorrow then," Nico said as they all said their goodbyes and left.

Feeling guilty for her behavior during practice, I starts searching for Sam in the office. I checks the conference room, the dance studio, and even Sam's personal office, but I couldn't find her anywhere. As I walked around the building, I starts to worry that Sam may have already left for the day. I feel a pang of disappointment and regret, I wanted to apologize and clear the air before parting ways for the day. I knew that my words during practice might have been too harsh and I didn't want to leave things on a bad note.

I noticed Sam walking towards the parking lot and I knew this was my chance to apologize for my behavior earlier. I quickly made my way towards the parking lot, my heart racing with nerves. I didn't want to come across as rude or unprofessional, but I knew that I had to make things right.

As soon as I was about to turn the corner, something smacked me right in the face and I fell to the ground, screaming in pain. I couldn't believe what had just happened. My head was spinning and I felt a sharp pain in my nose. I tried to get up, but my legs wouldn't cooperate. I was momentarily disoriented and couldn't make out anything for a few seconds.

I could hear a woman's voice calling out my name, "Mon! Mon!" I clutched my face in pain, trying to understand what had just happened. "Why did you hit me?" I asked her, still confused.

"I thought you were some creep who was following me," Sam explained.

Sam looked at me with frustration, "Why were you following me?" she asked.

"I tried to look for you everywhere and finally found you walking towards the parking lot so I started to follow you,I'm so sorry, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier," I stammered, trying to get back on my feet,feeling embarrassed.

Sam rolled her eyes, "Now you don't need to apologize, we've both hurt each other once already so it cancels out," she said.

"Huh?" I exclaimed, not quite understanding what Sam meant by her statement. "What do you mean it cancels out?

Sam looked at me with a mix of frustration and understanding. "Look Mon, I know that you were trying to apologize and you should have spoken up in a more respectful manner. I shouldn't have smacked you in your face. We both made mistakes and hurt each other, so in a way, it does cancel out."

I looked at her in shock and confusion. I didn't want to continue disagreeing with Sam and argue with her twice in the same day, so I decided to leave and go home. As I was about to turn and walk away, I suddenly felt Sam grab my arm and turn me around, causing me to nearly lose my balance. But before I could fall, Sam caught me and held me tightly by my waist. The sudden physical contact caught me off guard and sent a tingling sensation straight to my chest.

I found myself unable to move as I stood there, unsure if it was the strength of Sam's grip on my waist or the hold her gaze had on me. Her eyes, which had appeared cold and emotionless throughout the day, now seemed dreamy and full of emotion. I could detect the faint aroma of her expensive perfume from this close proximity, but for some inexplicable reason, her warm breath on my face felt even more intoxicating. She looked even more flawless and stunning up close. Her skin was radiant and glistening, even under the dim lighting of the parking lot. I felt an urge to reach out and touch her face, to feel the softness of her skin under my fingers. It was as if I was reaching out to touch a dream. Sam was staring deeply into my eyes, as if attempting to peer into my very soul. I felt a strange mix of vulnerability and empowerment under her gaze, and it seemed as though she was just as captivated by me as I was by her. It was as if we were both lost in each other, unable to look away or break the spell.

We were so lost in each other's gaze that the sudden honk from a passing car broke our spell. We untangled from each other's arms and looked at each other with shocked expressions, standing awkwardly as soon as the moment ended. To avoid any further awkwardness, Sam spoke up, "Where are you staying, Mon? I can drop you off." I hesitated for a moment, but then replied, "I'm staying at Jenzu Apartments." I hesitated, telling her that it was not necessary. However, she insisted that it was on her way home and that it would not be a problem. I couldn't help but feel like a lost puppy as I followed her to her car, unable to shake off the lingering feelings from our previous encounter.

Throughout the car ride, I felt incredibly shy and awkward. I couldn't bring myself to look directly at Sam, and instead focused on directing her towards my apartment. My eyes were fixed on the window, and I couldn't bring myself to engage in conversation. As soon as we arrived at my apartment, I thanked her without making eye contact and quickly left without looking back.

As I entered my apartment, my flatmate Nop greeted me with a questioning look on his face. "Mon, why are you so late? I've been waiting for you," he asked. I knew that I couldn't avoid the conversation and decided to be honest with him. "I had to talk to Sam about some work-related issues, so I stayed back," I explained, trying to keep my tone casual.

Before Nop could delve further into the conversation, I quickly changed the subject. "I'm really tired and hungry right now, can we just talk about it later?" I asked, rubbing my eyes to emphasize my exhaustion. Nop seemed to understand and nodded. "Sure, I ordered food for us. It should be here soon," he said, smiling sympathetically at me.

Feeling grateful for Nop's understanding, I thanked him and quickly excused myself to freshen up. As I walked towards my bedroom, I couldn't help but replay the events of the evening in my head. The encounter with Sam had left me feeling both confused and exhilarated. I couldn't shake off the feeling of her breath on my face and the way she looked into my eyes. I knew that I needed to process these feelings before I could talk to Nop or anyone about it.

For now, I just wanted to eat and rest, and maybe try to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions that were swirling inside of me.

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