Sam's pov

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I sat with Tee, Jim and Kate, watching the dance crew as they rehearsed. As I scanned the room, my eyes fell on Mon. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for choosing her to be a part of our group.

I remembered the first time I saw Mon at the audition, the way she had looked at me and the intensity in her performance. It was clear that she had something special, something that set her apart from the others. And now, watching her here in the studio, I knew that I had made the right choice.

As the practice session progressed, I couldn't help but notice that while the group was talented, they still needed more practice to perfect their moves. There was a lack of coordination among the members that was hindering their performance.

I could see that they were all trying their best, but they seemed to be lacking a sense of unity and fluidity in their movements. I knew that if we were going to be successful, we would need to work on this.

I stopped the practice session and walked among the group, pointing out the mistakes that I saw. I noticed that some of the dancers were not fully committing to the movements, and others were not in sync with the music.

I knew that the only way to fix this was through repetition and hard work, so I made the group practice the choreography over and over again. I watched carefully, making small adjustments and corrections as needed.

I could see that the group was getting frustrated, but I knew that this was all part of the process. I reminded them that we were all here to be the best that we could be and that greatness doesn't come without effort.

"Hey guys, can we talk for a moment?" Tee whispered to Jim and Kate, glancing over at Sam who was still working with the dance crew.

"Yeah, what's up?" Jim whispered back, looking over at the group of dancers who were visibly exhausted.

"I don't know about you guys, but I think we should ask Sam to give the dancers a break. They've been practicing for hours now, and it's clear that they're exhausted," Tee said, looking back at the group.

"I know, but who's going to ask Sam? We all know how she can get," Kate replied, looking at the ground.

"I'm not sure, but I think we need to do something. We can't just stand by and watch them suffer," Tee said, determination in her voice.

"Come on, Tee. You're the bravest among us. You should be the one to talk to Sam," Jim said, trying to convince her.

Tee looked at Jim, then at Kate before she replied," You're right, Jim. I'll do it."

"Thanks, Tee," Jim said, patting her back.

"I'll be right behind you," Kate said, encouraging her.

Before tee could reach Sam, she hears Sam say, "Mon, why did you stop dancing?"

I saw Mon stop in the middle of choreography and asks her "why did you stop dancing?" and then Mon who looks tired and frustrated responds "I'm sorry Sam, but I'm just really tired. I think we all are. This constant repetition is not working for us, we need a break."

I was taken aback by Mon's honest admission in front of me. I had never had someone speak to me in such a direct and candid manner, especially not someone on my dance crew. I was used to people tiptoeing around me, trying to avoid confrontation or disagreement.

To make my point I ask,"What do you mean it's not working? We need to keep practicing until we get it perfect."

I thought this will be for her to stop questioning me but then she answers me even more firmly, "I understand that you want us to be perfect, but we're just going in circles. We're getting tired and making more mistakes, we're not improving. We need a break, a fresh start so that we can come back stronger."

Before I could speak again her friends interjected and I decided to give them a break.

Watching Mon stand up to me not only made me angry, but it also intrigued me. I was used to people being afraid to speak their minds around me, especially those on my dance crew. I couldn't deny the truth in her words, I had been pushing the dancers too hard in my pursuit for perfection. I realized that in my drive for perfection, I had lost sight of the fact that these dancers were human beings with their own limits and needs.

Despite my initial anger, I couldn't help but feel a sense of respect and admiration for Mon. She had the courage to stand up to me and tell me what she thought, something that not many people were willing to do. It was clear that she had a strong sense of self and was not afraid to speak her mind.

As Tee, Jim, and Kate watched the back-and-forth between Sam and Mon, they were surprised to see Mon standing up to Sam. Not only that they were also surprised to see Sam give up so easily to Mon's suggestion. They had expected Sam to be more stubborn and she was acting contradictory to her usual personality.

Tee, Jim, and Kate exchanged glances, impressed by Mon's courage. As the group took a break together, Tee couldn't help but tease Sam about how easily she had complied with Mon's suggestion, as she never usually complies with their suggestions that easily. Jim and Kate joined Tee in teasing Sam, questioning how a newbie like Mon could possibly know what's best. Sam tried to explain that Mon is new, so she doesn't know how things work here yet and that she kind of likes Mon's suggestion as well. The group were pleasantly surprised to see Sam defending and praising Mon.

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