Mon's pov

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As the day of my first day at the agency approached, my nerves and excitement were at an all-time high. I woke up early, eager to start this new chapter of my life. I took my time getting ready, carefully selecting an outfit that I thought would make a good first impression.

I couldn't believe that I was going to be working with my idol, Sam, and her band. This was a dream come true for me, and I didn't want to mess it up. I wanted to make sure that I was at my best and gave it my all on my first day.

As I walked to the agency, my heart was pounding in my chest. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was going to be working alongside my idol and her band, and I was going to be a part of one of the biggest K-Pop groups in the industry.

As I entered the studio, I was greeted by Miley, Nico, and Camila who introduced themselves as the other background dancers for Sam's band. They were all friendly and welcoming, and their warmth immediately put me at ease. I was relieved to have met people who have been working with the band for quite some time, and I knew that they could be a great resource for me as I settled into this new environment.

Miley, Nico, and Camila were all quick to tell me about their experiences working with Sam and her band, and I couldn't help but feel a little envious of their obvious camaraderie. But they also made it clear that they were happy to have me join their team and that they were excited to work together. They told me about all the fun experiences they have had together, it made me feel like a part of the team already.

Their kind words and genuine excitement about my arrival made my nerves dissipate and I felt positive about my day. I knew that I had to put my best foot forward and I was ready to learn and grow as a dancer and a member of Sam's team.

It was clear that I was joining a tight-knit group, but they made me feel included and valued from the start. I couldn't wait to start working with them and seeing what the future holds.

As Miley, Nico, and Camila and I were chatting among ourselves, a team of choreographers and Sam, Tee, Jim, and Kade walked in. Sam greeted all of us and introduced herself and her team to us. I couldn't believe that I was standing in the same room as my idol and the rest of the band. It was a surreal moment for me, and I could feel my heart racing with excitement and nerves.

Sam was just as charming and charismatic in person as she was on stage, and I was immediately struck by her professionalism and talent. She took the time to talk to each of us individually, asking about our background and our experience as dancers. I could tell that she genuinely cared about her team and was invested in making sure that we were all comfortable and happy.

Her bandmates, Tee, Jim, and Kade were also friendly and welcoming. They were all professional and it was clear that they all were dedicated to their craft. They also had a sense of humor which made the atmosphere quite relaxed and comfortable.

The choreographers were also welcoming and professional, introducing themselves and sharing their experience in the industry. They were ready to work with us and make us perform the best we could.

After the introductions, the choreographers led us in a warm-up and then began teaching us the choreography for our upcoming performance. I was immediately struck by the level of skill and precision required for the routine, but I was determined to give it my all and make a good impression.

I could see Sam watching us from the sidelines, and her presence added an extra level of pressure. But I tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on the task at hand. I knew that I needed to give 100% of my effort and showcase my skills if I wanted to prove myself as a valuable member of the team.

As we continued to practice, Sam noticed that there was a lack of synchronization among the dancers in a few steps. Being a perfectionist, she made everyone repeat those steps again and again until we were able to execute them flawlessly. At first, I thought it was an amazing opportunity to improve and be part of the team, but soon we all started feeling even more tired, and as a result, our performances began to worsen. The fatigue was getting to us and we were struggling to focus and keep up with the constant repetition.

I could see that Sam was getting frustrated and I could tell that she was expecting a lot from us. I knew that her insistence on perfection was coming from a good place and that she only wanted us to be the best that we could be, but the pressure was starting to take a toll on all of us.

As time passed, my arms and legs were aching, my feet were sore and I was on the verge of giving up. I looked around and saw that the other dancers were also exhausted and seemed close to reaching their breaking point. The group's morale was at an all-time low, and it was clear that we needed a break.

I couldn't help but wonder if all this repetition was the best approach for our improvement.

I had had enough. I was tired, my body was aching and my mind felt like it had reached its limit. So, I stopped dancing in the middle of the routine.

Sam noticed this and walked over to me, "Mon, why did you stop dancing?

I took a deep breath, "I'm sorry Sam, but I'm just really tired. I think we all are. This constant repetition is not working for us, we need a break."

Sam looked taken aback, "What do you mean it's not working? We need to keep practicing until we get it perfect."

I shook my head, "I understand that you want us to be perfect, but we're just going in circles. We're getting tired and making more mistakes, we're not improving. We need a break, a fresh start so that we can come back stronger."

As I finished speaking, I could see the anger and disappointment on Sam's face. I knew that I had upset her and that I had possibly jeopardized my place in the group.

But before Sam could lash out on me, Miley, Nico and Camila stepped in, "Sam, we're all okay. Mon's just new, she doesn't understand how this works," they said, trying to save me.

Sam looked at them and then back at me, "Is that true? Are you all alright?" she asked, her voice cold.

I could see that the others were nodding and murmuring their agreement.

Sam looked at us for a moment, then nodded, "Alright, we'll take a short break, but we'll be back at it in an hour," she said, before walking away.

As soon as Sam was out of earshot, my fellow dancers turned to me, "Mon, what were you thinking? No one speaks to Sam like that and gets away with it," they said, their tone a mixture of shock and disappointment.

I knew that they were right, that I had put my position in the group in jeopardy, but I couldn't bring myself to regret what I had said. I had spoken the truth and I knew that it needed to be said.

"I'll do it again if I have to," I told them, my voice firm. "We can't keep going like this, we're not getting better, we're just getting more exhausted."

They looked at me, clearly unsure of how to respond, and then one of them spoke up, "You're going to get yourself fired, you know that, right?"

I shrugged, "Maybe, but at least I spoke up for what I believed in."

They didn't seem to know what to say to that and I could tell that they were worried about me and what this could mean for my future with the group.

I excused myself and went out to get a drink of water. As I walked away, I could hear them murmuring among themselves, "She's definitely getting fired soon." 

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