Mon's pov

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As soon as Sam entered the studio, my heart fluttered with a mixture of excitement and nerves. I hadn't realized how eagerly I had been awaiting her arrival until that moment. Our eyes locked and we exchanged a silent acknowledgement. When the instructors asked us to pair up with the band members, my friends Camilla, Nico, and Miley quickly chose other partners, perhaps they were as intimidated by Sam's presence as I was. I was left with no choice but to join her. I was both apprehensive and thrilled at the possibility of being her partner for the practice. My mind raced with the desire to make a good professional impression on the team, yet my heart yearned to impress Sam in any way possible.

It was clear that Sam and I made great dance partners. We worked seamlessly together, surpassing my expectations given my earlier nerves. Every time our bodies touched, my stomach twisted in a strange way, but I knew I had to remain professional and present myself in the best possible light. During a mini water break, Sam accidentally sat on my bag, causing me to stand awkwardly and wait for her to move. She noticed my confusion and asked why I wasn't drinking yet. Once she realized she was sitting on my bag, she quickly moved to give me access to my belongings.

I was about to join my friends when Sam asked, "You didn't answer me last night."

I replied, "What did I fail to answer?" 

She asked, "What made you feel awkward?"

I couldn't help but feel shy and told her it was her who made me feel awkward. She looked confused by my response and I quickly tried to cover up by saying that she was such a huge star and I have always idolized her.

Then she asked, "Are you a fan, Mon?"

I looked at her with an amused expression, trying to avoid looking at her directly. My mind raced as I wondered if she was flirting with me. All I could manage to say was a shy "umm".

But as she leaned in close, whispering in my ear, "You can tell me, I promise I will keep it between us," I felt my cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. I couldn't find the right words to reply and instead, I simply stared at her with my mouth agape. Her touch as she closed my mouth making my heart skip a beat.

The break had come to an end and we resumed our practice. I noticed that Sam seemed happier with the progress, as she wasn't acting out as much as she had the day before. I was preparing to leave when Tee, Jim and Kate approached me and Sam.

Jim said, "Mon, you are an incredibly talented dancer. I truly believe you will be a valuable addition to our team." I was thrilled to receive such a compliment from a star like Jim and thanked her wholeheartedly. Tee added, "Yes, Mon, those hand moves were particularly impressive. It's a shame you didn't get to practice with me, I could have helped you refine them even further." Before I could respond, Sam interjected, "Mon is perfect just as she is. If she needs any assistance, I will take care of it" sounding annoyed. Kate asked for my number, as none of them had it. I quickly responded that I had Sam's number. All of them looked surprised and asked us when we had managed to exchange numbers. Sam lied about us exchanging it during practice and I couldn't help but agree with her. I didn't understand why she felt the need to lie about it.

As we all went our separate ways, I spotted Nop standing outside my studio. I quickly went over to him and greeted him with a smile. Nop held out a cup of my favorite boba milk tea and said, "Hey Mon, I got you this. You deserve it." I gratefully took the cup and thanked him, saying "Nop, you're the best." We began walking towards our homes, engaging in our usual banter and playful teasing. Nop asked, "You look really happy today, Mon. What's going on?" I couldn't help but beam as I recounted the events of the day.I told him that, "I had a great practice session, Jim had praised me and they were even considering adding me to their official group, and I had gotten to spend time with Sam." Nop then asked, "So, you like Sam?" I replied, "Of course I like her, she's my favorite idol." He pressed further, "No, I mean, do you like-like her? Like, do you have a crush on her?" We stopped walking and I looked at Nop. I explained, "She's a celebrity and we all have our celebrity crushes. I fancy Sam the way a fan would a celebrity. Our relationship will always be that of a fan and a celebrity because we come from different worlds. As for you, Nop, I know you like me more than a friend. I heard you say it in the taxi that night, but I'm sorry, I can't return those feelings. You're my best friend and you mean a lot to me, and I want to continue being a part of each other's lives in this capacity." I looked at Nop quizzically, hoping he would understand. Nop took a moment before saying, "I won't lie and say this doesn't hurt, Mon, but you're important to me too. I consider you my best friend. It's hard for me, but I think I can accept it in time. No matter what, we'll always stay friends, if not more." We hugged each other, and I was genuinely happy that he understood and that our friendship had survived this hurdle.

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