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POV: Kim

I saw Vegas drag Pete out of the room.

Maybe it's to talk to him about something. Maybe to apologize. But is really Vegas the one to apologize?

I was so glad Porsche was able to get Thankhun out of the room.

I have a cold and my headache isn't helping. It always comes at the worst time ever.

I saw Pete come back in and he approached me.

"Khun Kim."

I looked at him confused.

"I know you're confused. Look I have no right to interfere with your life but you have to be careful about Vegas please."

"Pete what did you guys talk about?"

"He just apologized and I said a few things. That's it. Anyways I got to go now."

I saw him leave the room as he closed the door. I was confused.

What does he mean be careful of Vegas?

I shrugged and leaned back and closed my eyes again. I heard footsteps and the cushion sinked next to me. I already knew who it was.

He was quiet though. He didn't say anything.

I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me.

We met eyes and I saw that his eyes weren't showing much. I am pretty good at reading eyes and I can say that he seemed confused just like me.

"Why are you staring at me Vegas?"

He sighed and took one of my hand in his hands and started to caress it. I wouldn't say the action wasn't weird but it was pretty nice.

"Kim what do I not know about you?"

I chuckled and tilt my head a bit as I looked at him.

"Vegas although we practically grew up together. We were still in different houses. I thought you said you did research on me?"

Vegas sighed and continued to play with my hands as he looked at it.

"Plus we only stayed together for about a day in a half. You got to see parts of me that no one got to."

"But that's not the point. I want to know why you hate this house. I want to know why you disappeared from this family. I want to know why you never fight for the main spot. I want to know a lot and everything about you and it's driving me crazy."

Vegas's eyes showed sincerity and interest as he stared into my eyes.

As of the moment, I totally forgot my headache. I forgot that we were still in the main house's spare bedroom.

I pulled him by his nape and smashed my lips onto his. He responded quickly as he pulled me closer by my waist.

I opened my mouth as he entered his tongue in. It was soft.

I changed positions as I wrapped my legs around his hips and his hands made their way to my ass.

He lifted me up and walked towards the wall trapping me in between. Never unattaching our lips.

His lips were soft yet so aggressive against mine. He sucked on my tongue and I started to lose air.

I tapped his shoulders several time and he backed away a little.

We both breath really hard and stared into one another's eyes.

The way his eyes showed hunger and lust. His hair was all messed up from my grabbing.

I couldn't describe my feelings at the moment.

POV: Vegas

I was surprised when I felt his lips on mine. It was soft and I could smell his expensive Lancôme perfume.

When I brought him against the wall, I could feel his hands grabbing my hair.

I felt his taps and I parted our lips. I saw his swollen pink lips and the way his hair was a little messed up. His eyes showed lust as he stared into mines and his arms never left my neck.

"I am very surprised Kimhan."

"Don't say you weren't thinking the same thing."

"What if I weren't?"

I saw him frown as he tried to get out of my hold. I held onto him tighter and carried him towards the couch.

Still in the same position, I was now sitting and he was on my lap.

"I was just kidding babe."

I saw him blush a little as he looked away. I tucked his hair that was covering his pretty face behind his ear.

"You're blushing~"

Kim frowned and rolled his eyes as he unattached his arms around my neck and crossed his arms.

"I want to go."


"Since when was "home" your house?"

"I didn't say it was."

"I- Whatever."

I was smiling at his flustered face as he looked away again and slightly pouted which very much surprised me. I grabbed his chin and turned it towards me.

"You're pouting!"

He used his hands and shoved my hands off his face.

"No I'm fucking not."

"Do you want me to take a picture for you?"

He groaned and was about to get off my lap but I held onto him tighter as he groaned, "Whattttttt do you want Vegas? I want to go."

"You didn't say where and since you are kind of sick. I will carry you to the car."

I saw his eyes grew a little wide as he placed his hands on my chest shaking his head, "No I don't like you."

"Weird because I felt your lips on mine just about...hmmm....I don't know...five minutes ago."

POV: Author

Kim was slightly surprised at his actions too. He didn't expect for himself to do such thing.

As Vegas stood up with Kim in his arms, he automatically wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Wait. What about the others? We're still here at the house."

"Are you okay with me carrying you?"

Kim really didn't care. Neither did Vegas. Will it be a surprise to everyone? Yes. But did they care? No.

Kim nodded and leaned his head into Vegas's neck and sniffed his scent. It was his shampoo scent that Kim was thinking about using too.

Kim heard gasps but he didn't care as he closed his eyes and hugged Vegas tighter.

"Oh my god!! Are you kidnapping my brother!"

Vegas raised his eyebrows at Thankhun, "Really? Yeah because I would kidnap him at this house and in front of everyone?"

"I don't care! Put him down!"

Vegas got annoyed and he held Kim tighter and at this point Kim was already asleep.

"Can you shut up Thankhun? I'll bring him back later."

Before Thankhun could say anything. Vegas walked out and to his car.

He heard Thankhun yelling, "NO! NO NO NO!"

Vegas rolled his eyes and set Kim in. Kim was deep asleep and Vegas found him so cute.

He gently brushed his hair away from his face and closed the door as he got on the other side. Vegas wasn't even going to go home, he was planning to take Kim out to eat at his favorite restaurant.

Little did they know, someone was watching from behind the pillar as Vegas's car drove away from the main house.

"Vegas will be mine."

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