Chapter 1: Acceptance to Monster High

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I was doing some gymnastics while Clawdeen was skateboarding

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I was doing some gymnastics while Clawdeen was skateboarding. I was having so much fun until I noticed some humans cheering her on until she accidentally revealed herself.

"Doggie?" said the human.

"Hi," said Clawdeen.

The human screams.

"That's our cue, Becca." She said, getting my attention.

"Okay, Clawdeen." I said, quickly packing up my gymnastics stuff as Clawdeen grabbed me by the wrist.

We ended up fleeing the park while the humans tried to find us.

"Which way?"

"Did you see it?"

"Where did it go?"

"I don't see it. It's gone."

"That was crazy."

"Did you guys hear something?"

"What was that thing?"

"Was that a girl?"

"It wasn't a girl. It was an animal."

"Come on, let's go."

"That was crazy."

"It looked like a werewolf."

"Whatever, let's get out of here."

"It was terrifying." They went back to the park. Humans will never accept us and that's why we need a place where we belong.

Meanwhile, Clawdeen and I ran back to our house and climbed into our room by using the window.

"No, no, no, no!" said Clawdeen, falling to the floor.

"Here, let me help you up." I said, helping her up.

We then went downstairs and noticed that Dad decorated the kitchen for Clawdeen's 15th birthday.

"Dad?" We said, in unison.

"Clawdeen! Freeze! Right there! Close your eyes." He said, talking to her.

"Okay." She said, closing her eyes.

"Really, Dad?" I said, giving him a serious look.

"Sorry, Becca." He said, apologizing to me as he turned to my sister. "No, no, no, you're fine. You're fine, right."

"What is happening?" said Clawdeen, curiously.

"Nothing, just, just you wait for it." He said, getting some stuff ready. "And okay, all right. Okay, open them. Surprise!"

"Surprise! Happy birthday, sis!" I said, hugging her.

"You both threw me a birthday party?" She said, in shock.

"We tried to, but you both came back so early from the hike. Look, I made a cake. Don't judge." He then showed her the cake.

"Thanks, Dad. Really nice of you." She hugged him.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." She answered him.

"Okay, good. So, I made that tofu jalapeño casserole you like with extra almonds this time."

"Dad, listen. There's something we've gotta talk to you about." I said, sitting down at the table.

We pulled out the Monster High acceptance letter.

"What's this?" He said, asking us.

"That is our acceptance letter to Monster High." said Clawdeen, answering him.

"Girls, we've talked about this."

"Mom had an amazing time when she went there." I said, honestly.

"Your mother was a full monster. I'm human, and I'm sorry, girls. They don't accept half monsters."

"Well, they accepted us. We've been living our whole lives in hiding. I mean, we can't even go to the park without me getting chased." said Clawdeen, pointing it out to him.

"You were chased?"

"Yes, and maybe we'll have better luck in the monster world. That's all we ever wanted, a chance to belong somewhere."

"You both gotta find your place in the world. I get it. My girls are growing up." He said, understanding us.

"So, is that a yes?" We said, asking him.

"Make a wish, Clawdeen."

She makes a wish and blows out the candles. Dad cuts the cake and gives us each a piece of it. We eat and talk during dinner. After we got done eating, we packed up our stuff for our school experience at Monster High. We are so excited to go there and make our mom proud. We will finally be in a place where we belong. Hopefully, the other monsters will accept us being half monsters one day.

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