Volume 1 Chapter 13: The Dual

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Yang's POV: 

I was sitting in Prof. Port's class bored out of my mind as usual when Y/N walked in the classroom late.

Port: Ah! Mr. Rose. Good day!

Y/N: Right back at ya...

Y/N sat in his spot which was in the row behind Ruby and I. He yawned loudly and smacked his lips. Port continued his lesson and I glanced back to see Y/N leaning forward on the desk with his left hand on his forehead. 

He was covering his eyes and I could tell he was sleeping. The class dragged on before the bell rang. Y/N groaned and got up before letting out another yawn and walking out the class. 

I frowned lightly and followed after him. A few more class periods later, lunchtime arrived. Y/N yawned and poked his food with his fork.

Yang: You good? 

Y/N: Huh? 

Yang: I said if you were good. You slept through, like, four classes.

Ruby: Yeah. You've never been this sleepy before.

Y/N: Oh... yeah. I'm good. Just classes and all this homework. You know how it is.

He flashed us a smile, but I wasn't buying it.

Yang: Want me to get you an energy drink?

Y/N turned to face me and he lightly bit his lip.

Y/N: I'd love that.

I smirked and nodded before standing up from the table and walking to the vending machine. I looked at the buttons and clicked on one as a drink called Beast rolled out.

I picked it up and looked at the logo. It was reminiscent of a bite mark. As I began walking back, I saw that second year Coco talking to Y/N. 

She had a hand on his shoulder and was smiling ear to ear. Y/N waved her off and said something to her which made her pout and walk off.

Yang: What was all that about?

Y/N: She was wondering if I could help her with something later today, but I got plans already.

He quickly snatched the energy drink and held it on its side. He grabbed a knife and poked a hole in it before holding it up to his lips.

Y/N opened the can and chugged the energy drink like nothing before getting up and tossing the can on his tray.

Y/N opened the can and chugged the energy drink like nothing before getting up and tossing the can on his tray

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Y/N: That hit the spot.

He walked off as Nora and Ruby had stars in their eyes.

Ruby and Nora: THAT WAS SO COOL!!!

Weiss: That was just obscene.

Yang: Heh, you should see him with actual beer cans.

Blake: Isn't he too young to drink?

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