3-I love you too

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Audrey picked up the key under the carpet and unlocked the door, saw Melendez was on the sofa waiting for her. He walked to the door and took a peek of the Ducati.

"That looks nice, must be expensive." Claimed Melendez, mostly because he doesn't know what to say to her really.

"Thanks, I spend like, half of my salary on it, you know. But it's worth it." Said Lim, looking at her bike in happiness.

"Well, the thing you said before... I thought about it, you are really nice. However the best thing to do now is to just, maybe, keep things down. You know, things might be difficult at work." Said Melendez. He is into her for sure, it is also true that it will make things go wrong at work...

"You've got a point..." Answered Lim.

"So, since we both have feelings for eachother and we seems to be going to be working together for quite a long time, maybe we should get to know eachother a bit more." suggested Melendez. He really wanted to know more about this woman.

"Good point, Neil." Lim replied sitting down on the sofa casually.

Melendez followed up. "So, why don't we say our biggest secret, it should be fun." He asked.

Audrey shrugged a bit but said yes whatsoever. "Rock paper, scissors do decide who go first." She said, and obiviously she doesn't like how this situation is going.

"Well, I will go first." Said Melendez, he probabaly noticed her hesitation. "My younger sister, Gabby, she was diagnosed with Down's Syndrome like 8 or 9 years ago. And I have to take care of her in every ways. She is nice girl, I love her." Said Melendez sadly.

"I am sure she is a nice girl. And you are an excellent brother." comforted Lim. " Um, okay..." she paused for a moment. "I had a baby." Said Lim trying her best not to collapse.

"Wait what?" That news suprised Melendez.

"I...I was divorced three years ago. And I was pregnant once and... and I" Lim started sobbing tears. "I was in a car crash and I lost the... the" Lim started crying.

Melendez doesn't know what to do but trying to cheer her up or even just calm down. He kissed her on the cheek and just let her be. He wants to do something more, but he couldn't, anything he did just made her cry even harder...

He walked her into the bedroom to try and make her feel better. She did calm down a bit but still, she had tears in her eyes.

"Audrey, Audrey, it's okay. It's done, done. Okay? I am here." Convinced Melendez. "I do love you, it's not your fault to loose the baby, I swear."

"I love you too"

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