[1] no need to worry || Peter Parker

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Word count: 508

Pairing: Peter Parker x gn!friend!reader

Summary: you're always worried about Peter about how he's in constant danger and you just want him to be safe.

Warnings: arguing, little bit of fluff

Peter was seriously going to get himself killed going on all those missions and it made you sick to the stomach every time you thought about it. You weren't dating or anything but you were best friends and you cared deeply for Peter. You had planned on hanging out with Peter today at your house. You were currently getting your guy's favorite snacks out for movie night.

There was a familiar knock pattern at the door and you knew exactly who it was. You opened the door with a warm smile ready to greet him but the smile faded once my you got a look at his face. He had a cut on his cheekbone and above his eyebrow. You stayed silent and Peter finally broke it "hello to you too." He joked. He came in and you shut the door once he got inside.

"So what are we watching today? Star Wars? Oh how about-" you cut him off "when did you get those cuts on your face?" You asked in a serious tone "last night, but it doesn't matter-" you yet again didn't let him finish his sentence. "What do you mean it doesn't matter? Peter you scare me every time I see you with a new cut or injury."

"Why? It's not a big deal. You have nothing to worry about." He argued back and you scoffed at him. "Why wouldn't I worry about you Peter? You're out every night and putting yourself in danger!" You rose your voice. His eyebrows furrowed and he grew a bit agitated. "Why do you care! It shouldn't matter to you. I can take care of myself." He continued his argument "because if you can't take care of yourself who will Peter? I have to keep you on check, poor May hates seeing you like this Peter."

He nodded and walked on the other side of the room. "doesn't matter either way, I'm going on a mission tomorrow." Peter announced and your blood started to boil. "You're always going on these missions Peter. When will you ever catch a brake?" You tried cooling down, you didn't want any complaints from your neighbors again. "I don't need a brake when it comes to saving people from harm." With those words you melted, he was just trying to protect everyone. "I don't want to be the bad guy here Peter I just want you to be more careful, you know you can't protect everyone." You admitted you didn't like saying it but you had to reassure him. "I have to try."

"I love you for that Peter but I love you too much for you to get hurt, you have to understand where I'm coming from." You had gotten closer to him and brought your hand to his cheek. He leaned into your warmth "I understand." You brought him into a hug. The two of you continued with your movie night cuddling close to each other.

You love Peter and all you wanted was for him to be safe and happy.

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