[5] auditioning for love || Peter Parker

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Word count: 536

Pairing: reader x peter parker

Summary: you and peter thought it would be a good idea to audition for the play. it resolved with you and peter confessing your love for each other on stage.

Warnings: none

You and Peter Parker were the best of friends. You did everything together, from studying to playing video games. One day, you saw a poster about the upcoming school play and decided to audition. Peter, who knew about your interest in acting, encouraged you to go for it. Together, you decided to audition for fun.

The day of the audition was nerve-wracking, but you gave it your all. A day later, you found out that you both got the main roles, as the main love interests of the play. You were excited but also nervous, as you had a secret crush on Peter for years. Peter, on the other hand, had feelings for you too but never said anything, as he didn't want to risk your friendship.

During rehearsals, you and Peter had to practice the scene where you confess your love to Peter's character. As you rehearsed, you couldn't help but feel nervous, knowing that you were about to confess your love to Peter, even if it was just for the play.

On the day of the play, you gave a heartfelt performance, confessing your love to Peter's character.

You took a deep breath before you began speaking. You looked into Peter's eyes and felt your heart beating faster. You knew this was just a play, but you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the emotions you were supposed to portray.

"I love you," you said, your voice trembling with emotion. "I love everything about you. Your kind heart, your sense of humor, your intelligence. I've loved you for years, and I know we were meant to be together."

You continued speaking, your voice growing stronger with each passing word. "I love the way you always make me laugh, even when I'm having a bad day. I love how you never judge me, no matter what I do. I love the way you always know what to say, even when I don't. And most of all, I love way you make me feel, like I'm the only person in the world." You were now going completely off script, hoping Peter would understand to what you were hinting at.

Peter knew exactly what you were doing and went along with it. He was taken aback at first but then he looked at you, his heart swelling with emotion. He had always known that you were special, but hearing you express your love in such a beautiful way was something else entirely.

"And I love you too," Peter said, taking your hand in his. "I love the way you always know what to say, even when I'm at a loss for words. I love the way you always make me feel, like I'm not alone in this world. And most of all, I love the way you make me want to be a better person."

You smiled, feeling your heart fill with joy. You knew that Peter was the one for you, and right then and there you saw hope and love in his eyes.

You continued to hold hands, the world around them seemed to fade away. You two were lost in your own little world, where nothing else mattered except the love you shared.

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