[9] the spider meets the cat || Spider-Man

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Word count: 303

Pairing: black cat!reader x spider-Man

Summary: you were robbing a jewelry store but spider-man came in and stoped you. you decided to have some fun with the spider boy.

Warning: flirting, and sexual tension?

It was late at night and you were getting ready to execute a plan you had just made last night. You came to the entrance of the jewelry store you were about to steal from when you heard a noise behind you. You knew exactly who it was.

"Stop right there!" A voice shouted, you turned around, revealing yourself as the infamous Black Cat. "I can't let you steal from this store."

You couldn't help but let a smirk tug at your face, and you knew he wouldn't be able to help but feel flustered by your beauty. "Oh, Spider-Man, what a pleasant surprise," you purred. "I didn't know you were the type to play hero."

He tried to keep his cool, but your flirtatious attitude was making him nervous. "I'm just doing my job," he said, trying to sound firm.

A chuckle escaped your lips. "Well, I have to say, I do like a man in uniform," you said getting closer to him, running a finger down his chest.

He tried to step back, but you were too quick, and soon you had him pinned against the wall. "You know, Spider-Man, you're a lot cuter up close," you said, your breath hot against his ear.

He tried to resist your charm, but it was getting harder and harder to focus. "Please, Black Cat, just let me do my job," he pleaded.

But you just laughed. "Oh, Spider-Man, you're too easy," you said, and with a quick kiss on his cheek, you darted off into the night.

Spider-Man stood there, feeling both frustrated and relieved. He had stopped you from stealing, but he couldn't help but feel like he had been played. As he swung away, he couldn't help but wonder what other tricks you had up your sleeve.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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