[3] gentle gaint || Peter Parker

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Word count: 892

Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader

Summary: you're taller then your boyfriend Peter and you're really insecure about it and Peter reminds you how beautiful you are.

Warnings: insecurities, anxiety, bullying, and a panic attack

You were the sweetest giant ever known to man. That's what Peter thought. He loved the height difference but he wasn't acknowledged about how uncomfortable you felt about it. He would always show you off but you hated the way people looked at you, you felt like the odd one out.

Your mom has always told you how you were blessed with your fathers height and how many people would kill to have your height. You just wanted to vanish from everyone and you wanted to blend in but everywhere you went people would stare and point. That's why you stayed in and never wanted to go out. It was also always hard to find clothes without having to shop from the mens section or your mom having to tailor it for you. You grew up with the problem and grew insecure about it when you were only a child. Teens always made comments or gave you dirty looks never saying it to your face but only talking behind your back.

When people saw you they would quickly find you intimidating and scaring, especially to kids. What people didn't know was how sweet, smart, and amazing you were. You were always so gentle with everyone because you were afraid to hurt them. When you met Peter he wasn't taken aback from your height at all. He was your first love and you were his. He loved you too much to even turn to you when he was introducing you to someone new, he was always excited for them to meet you. He wanted to take you everywhere he went.

"There is a party tonight, do wanna go with me?" Peter walked beside you in the hallway. You didn't want to be rude "uhh yea-yeah" you said barely over a whisper. You really didn't want to go.

Once you got home and told your mom she got so excited that you felt like that's how you should be acting instead of her. "I really don't want to go" you complained "no honey you are going, you never want to go out and now your boyfriend invited you for a fun night so you are going. no arguing." She said in a stern tone. You whine and slam your room door.

The time came and you were ready but you felt anxious. A party was like your worst nightmare. "Peter is here!" Your mom yelled from outside your room. You sighed and gathered your things together walking out. "Hey beautiful." Peter complimented you, no matter how many times he did he always brought butterflies to your stomach "hi" you mumbled all flustered.

Once you arrived to the front door your heart started to race faster and your palms started sweating. Peter noticed your state and intertwined your hands together. The small gesture cooled you off a bit. 15 minutes into the party you already wanted to leave. Everyone was staring at you strangely and they saw you and Peter holding hands and you started panicking. "Hey I'm going to go get us drinks." Peter tugged at your arm moving away. The only person who could calm you down just left.

"Look at her, she's such a freak." You heard someone say "yeah definitely." Tears were welling up and you started heating up. The crowded space made you sweat, your heart was beating out of your chest. The room felt like it was spinning and you just heard laughs. At you. You couldn't take it anymore. You rushed over outside bumping into people and apologizing. You really just needed some fresh air.

You were trying to catch your breath and looking at your surroundings to distract yourself. Peter had saw you rush out and followed you. Your breathing slowed and you closed your eyes bringing yourself back to reality. "Babe are you okay?" He asked with a concerned tone "yeah I'm fine Peter." You reassured him. "Okay let's get you back inside for some water-"

"No! I mean no, I'm sorry" you apologized for the sudden change of attitude. "Peter I can't go back in there- I just can't. Im really sorry but I felt like I was dying in there." You gulped, you didn't want to do this but you felt like you had to. You couldn't take it anymore. "What's wrong babe?" He felt bad for not knowing what was going on in there. "I just can't stand being pointed and stared at, with people talking behind my back calling me a freak. I love you Peter but I get really uncomfortable when you introduce me to new people. All they see is how huge I am and judge me." Peter froze he felt terrible "I had no idea you felt this way. I'm really really sorry."

"It's not your fault Peter, I just prefer staying home where no one can stare at me and get scared." You brought your voice back your normal speaking voice "hey if anyone has a problem with you they are going to have to go through me first because apparently they don't know the amazing, gentle, sweet, and beautiful woman that I know." You blushed at those words you couldn't get enough of his compliments. "Let's go home." He held his hand out and you accepted it walking down the path and making your way home.

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