Lights Out (TXT) 💛

831 18 26

Group: TXT
Sick Member: Hueningkai
Requested by: PoOrNAiSiIEmPArApIO
Yeonjun POV

I was beyond frustrated.

Practice had been extended for a whole two hours. Why, you ask? Well the answer is simple.


"Look, Kai, this is so simple. Just follow me.", I said.

I demonstrated the move again. And once more, he missed his cue at the same part.

I was trying my best not to get frustrated. We had been here for six hours already, and I wanted to go home.

"I'm trying...I swear.", Kai said, out of breath.

"Well try harder!", Soobin yelled.

We all looked at him.

He has never, ever yelled at Kai.

"Gosh Kai, this is too much. We've been here for six hours! You were doing fine earlier! Why do this now huh? I know you can do this move."

"I'm trying! I'm just...I don't know."

"For the love of all things holy, Hueningkai, figure it out!"

I saw Kai had tears forming in his eyes.

I felt bad for him, but I also felt Soobin's frustration.

Beomgyu and Taehyun just stayed silent, not wanting to be victims of angry Soobin as well.

Practice continued, with Kai finally getting the move after two more times.

We moved on to the next song.

It took the last hour and a half of practice to get it perfectly coordinated.

Finally, we could go home.

Everyone picked up their bags and headed to the door to leave. I noticed Kai side-eyeing Soobin. I could tell he was upset.

We soon got into our van, and it started to drive us home.

The ride back was quiet. You could probably cut the tension in the car with a knife.

After five minutes I looked behind me and saw Kai, with his head on the window, and a somber expression on his face.

Soobin was staring at him.

I didn't say anything, and just turned back around in my seat.

When we got home, Kai got out of the van and quickly went inside, going to his room.

"He's mad at me isn't he?", Soobin asked.

"Oh for sure.", Taehyun said.

"I was just frustrated. I didn't mean to yell like that. We were all tired and ready to go."

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