Hi, I'm Lucas (NCT) 💛

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Group: NCT
Member Focus: Lucas
Requested by: Advicetaeminnie

It was a normal day for the members of NCT.

Of course, normal meant pure chaos and so many different things to do that no one could focus properly.

Lucas was one of those stressed out people who were trying to keep their composure in this mess.

"Lucas, have you seen my pants?", Hendery asked.

"What? Why don't you have your pants?"

"Ten took them! He hid them somewhere!"

"Accusations!", Ten yelled from the other side of the room.

"True accusations! Give me my pants!"

Hendery ran off to chase after Ten.

Lucas went back to his laptop, pretending that didn't just happen.

"Hey, do you want to wear matching outfits?"

Lucas turned around to see Sicheng standing there.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because we're meeting the others today! All 23 of us will be together in one room. We need to look good!"

"Okay. But, matching outfits?"

"Yes. Please."

"I guess. If it makes you feel more comfortable."

"Thank you! By the way, you seem stressed."

"I am. We all are."

"True. But you're usually the easy going one."

"Today is a big day for me. I have a very special announcement to make."

"Oooooo, do tell."

"No no, you have to wait."

"Pleaseeeeee. Tell me. I can keep a secret."

Lucas got up and walked around the couch to him.

"You promise?"

"Yes! Tell me!"

Lucas leaned forward and whispered something in Sicheng's ear.

Sicheng let out a gasp, covering his mouth.



"Oh my gosh! I had no idea. Oh the guys are going to be so shocked."

"I know."

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