Who I Am (Seventeen) 🖤/💛

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Group: Seventeen
Member Focus: Jeonghan
Requested By: Advicetaeminnie
(Sorry if I did the first one wrong. I hope you like this one.)
The year was 2015.

Seventeen were new to the industry, and gaining fans each and every day.

The music video for "Shining Diamond" had just been released, and all the members were sitting together after watching it.

"Man did you see my hair?", Vernon asked them.

"Looking good.", Joshua replied.

The members were complimenting each other left and right.

Jeonghan sat there, listening to all of the things they said.

"Oh you look so handsome!"

"Wow so hot man."

"You look so good dude!"

Junhui saw Jeonghan sitting there, and walked over.

"What's up? You look down."

"Nothing. It's fine. I just need some fresh air."

Jeonghan quickly stood up and ran from the building.

The other members stared in that direction, wondering what was wrong.

"Uh, I'll go check on him.", Vernon said.

The other members agreed.

Vernon followed Jeonghan outside, meeting him behind the building.

"Did we say something wrong?", he asked.

"It's not you...it's me."

"What is?"

"I can't tell you."


"Because! I can't!", Jeonghan yelled.

Vernon stood by Jeonghan, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You can tell me anything. We're group members. We should be able to trust each other."

"This is bigger than trust. My whole future is at risk."

"It's that bad?"

Jeonghan turned to him.

"Yes. It is. I care for you guys. I don't want you to have your reputations damaged by me."

"Jeonghan what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Then tell me what's wrong!"

At all the yelling, Woozi and Seungkwan came outside.

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