Is This Me? (Shinee) 💛

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Group: Shinee
Member Focus: Key
Requested by: Advicetaeminnie
(This story does contain all five members, as it takes place during "Sherlock" era.)

"I don't smoke though."

"You were talking to me?", Minho said.

"Wow...hyungs he's being mean!", Taemin yelled.

"I am not! I just didn't think you were talking to me."

"Who else could I be talking to?"

"I don't know. Hyun has been watching us this whole time."

They both turned to see Jonghyun standing there.

"I'm just minding my business. And snooping on you guys."

Key and Onew came into the room the other three members were in.

They were all dressed in their comeback outfits.

The year was 2012, and the Sherlock era of Shinee was now in full swing.

"Anyone else sense an air of opportunity?", Key said.

"I sense you wearing hippie clothes.", Jonghyun said.

"Well I think I look hot."

"I never said you didn't."

"Okay no flirting...please.", Onew said.

"No promises."

They all sat down together on a long bench in the room.

They were waiting for someone to come tell them what to do next. The members had just finished a live comeback performance.

Someone came into the room.

"Alright guys. You can go change back into regular clothes. Your ride is on the way."

The group nodded.

The person left the room.

"I just sat down...", Key said.

"Well get back up. Let's go change.", Minho said.

"What if I like these clothes?", Jonghyun asked.

"Too bad. Come on."

The members got up and reluctantly followed Minho to the one changing room they had together.

All five of them had to share, which they didn't mind, because they lived together and (against their will) have seen each other without clothes before.

"Did you take my shirt?", Key asked Taemin.

"Why would I take that hot mess of a shirt?"

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