You Don't Get It (Stray Kids) 🖤/💛

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Group: Stray Kids
Member Focus: Felix
Requested by: Advicetaeminnie

Today, Stray Kids had to film for a variety show.

The group of eight were on set, preparing to begin the filming process. Chan was receiving instructions for their task.

He came back to the group with the papers, just in time as the cameras started rolling.

"Alright! Is everyone ready for today's challenge?", he asked.

"Yeah!", all the members said.

"For today's challenge...we are not allowed to say a single English word. For the entire time."

The members knew this would be difficult, since they all have a habit of randomly spouting English words.

But Felix was not excited at all.

Speaking English made him feel comforted when in his leisure time. So not being able to use it, on a supposedly relaxing day was going to be hard.

"So let's get started!", Chan yelled, "This field is full of games and fun things to do, so have fun!"

The members all sped off towards different areas of the field they were in.

There was an area for soccer with other sports, one for a pool, and one for working out.

Changbin pulled Hyunjin to the workout area. Jisung, Minho, Seungmin, and Chan all went to the pool.

This left Felix and Jeongin at the soccer area.

Everything started off well. The two boys playfully moved around the small area, kicking the light weight ball between them.

There were plenty of times where Felix wanted to say a word in English, but he quickly stopped himself. He had to remember the Korean equivalent on the spot.

"Whoa! That was a good kick Felix!", Jeongin said.

"Y-...uh...thank you!"

As the games continued, and the members kept having their fun, Felix started to get more and more irritated.

It was extremely stressful for him not to be able to speak his native language, and it was making him uncomfortable.

Felix was in his own head when Jeongin kicked the ball, causing it to hit Felix in the chest, knocking him over.

"I'm sorry!"

"Why would you do that?! Watch what you're doing!"

The members heard Felix yell, and looked towards the pair in the soccer area.

"I...didn't mean it Felix. It was an accident."

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