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Leader- Dapplestar: Brown-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes 

Deputy- Mossstem: Pale-ginger tabby she-cat with orange stripes, white tail-tip, patch on chest, right hind leg, and yellow-green eyes

Medicine Cat- Fringedrop: Gray tabby tom with dark stripes and green eyes


Oakpelt: Pale-ginger tabby point tom with green eyes 

Parsleypatch: Ginger-point tom with blue eyes 

Tulippounce: White she-cat with an orange ear and pale-green eyes 

Apprentice, Hawkpaw

Morningbranch: Dark brown tabby tom with blue eyes


Hawkpaw: Pale-ginger she-cat with hazel eyes 


Dapplekit: Pale-brown tom with dark blue eyes

Lavenderkit: Pale-ginger tabby tom with pale-green eyes


Leader- Cricketstar: Purple, orange, and white calico tabby she-cat with yellow eyes

Deputy- Rustrapid: Ginger she-cat with dark blue eyes

Medicine Cat- Dewcloud: Gray-and-white she-cat with green eyes


Quailstep: Dark-gray tabby-point she-cat with amber eyes

Daisystorm: Tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with hazel eyes
Apprentice, Pricklepaw

Goldskip: Pale-ginger tabby tom with hazel eyes

Pricklepaw: White she-cat with green eyes


Mousekit: Pale-gray tom with pale-green eyes

Acornkit: Brown-speckled she-cat with yellow eyes

Frecklekit: White tom with gray stripes and amber eyes


Leader- Kitestar: Brown-and-white she-cat with dark-blue eyes

Deputy- Rowantuft: Pale-ginger-and-white speckled tom with amber eyes

Medicine Cat- Fleettree: Silver-and-white tom with amber eyes


Beeblotch: Black-and-white tom with dark-blue eyes

Cricketstripe: Brown tabby tom with hazel eyes

Brownsky: Brown-and-white speckled she-cat with green eyes

Hopfur: Brown she-cat with hazel eyes

Newtbrook: Black-point she-cat with hazel eyes

Apprentice, Lichenpaw


Lichenpaw: Pale-gray-and-white she-cat with amber eyes


Bravekit: Ginger-and-white she-cat with blue eyes


Leader- Halfstar: Gray-and-white speckled tom with green eyes

Apprentice, Rainpaw

Deputy- Scorchwillow: Golden tabby she-cat with pale-green eyes

Apprentice, Timberpaw

Medicine Cat- Mintbite: Pale-gray tabby tom with pale-green eyes


Mossystripe: Pale-ginger-and-white tabby she-cat with pale-green eyes 

Apprentice, Mistpaw

Mudholly: Silver tabby tom with blue eyes


Rainpaw: Pale-ginger tabby tom with blue eyes

Timberpaw: Pale-ginger-and-white tom with hazel eyes

Mistpaw: Golden-speckled she-cat with yellow eyes


Stoatkit: Pale-ginger tabby-point tom with dark-blue eyes


Leader- Poppystar: Calico she-cat with blue eyes

Deputy- Starlingspeck: Brown tabby-point she-cat with yellow eyes

Apprentice, Sandypaw

Medicine Cat- Sweetfur: Black tabby she-cat with green eyes


Tumbleholly: Dark ginger-and-white tom with pale-green eyes

Goosewhisker: Golden tom with green eyes and a missing tail

Stormclaw: Golden-speckled she-cat with a scar on one shoulder and green eyes

Apprentice, Bluepaw

Redstorm: Dark ginger-and-white she-cat with amber eyes


Sandypaw: Pale-ginger-speckled tom with green eyes

Bluepaw: Pale-gray-and-white tom with blue eyes


Starlingkit: Brown tom with amber eyes 

Twolegplace Cats

Frisk: Ginger-and-gray tabby tom with white paws and green eyes (Foster father to: Conan, Bingo, Hope, Squash, Osprey, Friday, Cobra, Chicory, and Grouse)

Rory: Gray-and-white spotted-tabby tom with blue eyes (Foster father to: Conan, Bingo, Hope, Squash, Osprey, Friday, Cobra, Chicory, and Grouse)

Conan: Gray tom with darker chest and paws, with orange eyes

Bingo: Golden-yellow she-cat with dark stripes and green eyes

Hope: Russet she-cat with gray spots, tail-tip, and stripes with light green eyes

Squash: Cream-and-yellow tom with blue eyes

Osprey: Tall gray-and-white tabby tom with pale-blue eyes

Friday: Brown she-cat with darker points and hazel eyes

Cobra: Brown tom with black spots, stripes, and green eyes

Chicory: White she-cat with brown ears, face mask, tail, paws, and blue eyes

Grouse: Black, brown, and white calico-tabby tom with dusty orange eyes

Harlow: Cream, black, and white spotted tom with orange eyes

Barnaby: Ginger-and-gray she-cat with orange eyes

Bowie: Gray-and-white she-cat with green eyes

Frankie: Black tom with ginger patches, a white tail-tip, and green eyes

Quince: Plump gray she-cat with a purple collar and yellow eyes (Mother to Frankie's kits: Clyde, Fizzie, and Mika)

Clyde: Gray-and-ginger tom with a white tail-tip and green eyes

Fizzie: Black she-cat with ginger patches and yellow eyes

Mika: Tortoiseshell-and-white tom with yellow eyes

Whitney: White tom with gray spotting and teal eyes

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