✾┆⁰⁵· dance in the dark ♣·˚

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┊₍♣₎ ..⃗. ꒰ ⁰⁵· dance in the dark ꒱ ✾ೄ ・゚ˊˎ

 ♣ y/n was just skipping on her way to the library. in her hand was a box of macarons for her and ike to share.

she's been hanging out with ike quite often now. maybe more than the time her boyfriend spares for her.

"ike..?" y/n mumbled.

the lady's grip on the box of goodies slowly loosened, until it fell on the floor as she watched ike cry in front of the burnt library building.

"ike!" y/n called and ran.


y/n hugged him tight and buried his head in her neck. ike just gripped her shirt and cried like a little child.

"what happened here, ike..?" y/n asked as she wiped his tears.

"when i came this morning, the library... it was gone! burnt..!" ike cried. "i swear i never left any electrical wires unattended, nor did anything for the library to burn overnight! someone must've done this..!" he said and hugged y/n tight.

ike's teary eyes went blank and dark. of course, he knows someone has purposely done this to his library.

it's probably that person's benefactor... ike thought, recalling the rat he had to get rid of a few days ago.

"it's okay... just let it all out..." y/n cooed. "i-i'm sorry, i can't be much of help... but we can report this to the police and i can personally ask my brother to take care of it! don't worry, ike! we'll catch the one who did this!"

ike just nodded and rubbed his eyes.

"aww, man..." y/n mumbled while staring at him. "you still look so pretty with tears..."


"so unfair." y/n mumbled and chuckled, before taking out a handkerchief. "come on, wipe your tears. let's see if we can still salvage some books."

ike took the handkerchief, wiped his tears, and blew his snot. y/n then stood up and offered her hand. ike willingly took it.

the two of them carefully entered the library.

"i-i'm so sorry, ike..." y/n mumbled as she looked around. the whole building was burnt and it looks like none of the books or things left are even salvageable at all. whoever did this really made sure that ike would regret something...

"I'll search here," y/n pointed. "or should we search together? would you be okay on your own?"

of course ike would still be down. it really pained y/n to see him like this.

she took his hands and held them tight.

"d-don't worry, ike! I'll help you rebuild the library with my furniture! I'll even give you a 50% off!"

that made ike chuckle.

"you know..." y/n smiled. "it's not just the two of us who love this library dearly. there are also some students, adults, and even kids that find this place as their haven. and i know they'd be as sad as you if they find out."

"but i also know that they'd help bring this place back! so don't worry, ike! we'll certainly catch the culprit and fix the building! although we can't bring the other books back... darn it..."

ike just smiled, pink stains slowly filling his cheeks. "your boyfriend is so lucky to have you y/n."

"r-really..? haha..." y/n's cheeks turned pink as well in embarrassment.

[DISCONTINUED] st. dale's | luca kaneshiroWhere stories live. Discover now