✾┆⁰⁴· at last ♣·˚

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✾┊セントデールズ ˎˊ˗
┊₍♣₎ ..⃗. ꒰ ⁰⁴· at last ꒱ ✾ೄ ・゚ˊˎ

 ♣ "not even a thousand libraries of millions of books would equally suffice my lioness' life." luca mumbled.

"it's all done, boss."

luca chuckled before kneeling on the ground on one foot.

he then scratched the matchstick on the ground, creating a fire with the friction.

"my y/n would cry." luca said before throwing the matchstick.

"the books here are complete boss!"

"but good thing i took her favorites before i set his place on fire." luca whispered.

he and his cubs just watched the big establishment drown in red hue of fire. it was glowing in luca's eyes, but he could never be more satisfied.

he will never be satisfied until ike's blood is trickling down his hands.

"i won't forgive you." luca mumbled with his gritting teeth. "i won't fucking forgive you..."

"calm down." vox said.

luca slapped vox's hand that was about to land on his shoulder.

"i can't believe a simple nobody would just hurt my lionesses like this. he's dangerous." luca said. "and someone like him is staying by y/n's side. how can i secure her safety if she has a psycho with him?"

"y/n will be fine. the rest of the lionesses will take care of her." vox said. "i heard debbie came back from the states just to protect her too."

"ah. how was her mission at states?" luca asked as they all withdraw.

"she brought you new gifts, boss. we know you'd be thrilled to have them."

"DEBBIE!!!" luca called after seeing the female waiting for him in the lobby.

"luca!" debbie also called before the two of them hugged.

debbie is one of the oldest lionesses there is. a very doting mother of three— four if you'll add luca.

despite being 'out of the calendar' kind of old, debbie still looks hot, in good shape, and can kill with her black and red heels.

"how have you been?!" luca asked.

"good! and you?"

"not so good." luca replied with a sad face.

"i brought you gifts!" debbie chirped and took her gifts from her bag.

"books?" luca asked with an eyebrow raised. "what am i gonna do with books..?"

"uh, read?" vox said.

"oh hey, who is this fella?"

"good evening, ma'am. my name's vox akuma. a pleasure to meet you." vox introduced himself, took debbie's hand, and kissed it.

"oho~ what a gentleman."

"what do i do with books, debbie?!!" luca whined.

"sweetie, why don't you take a look at it?"

luca scoffed before staring at the book covers.

"penned by ike eveland." luca mumbled. "ooohh... OOHHHH!!"

"thank you, debbie!! you're the best!" luca exclaimed like a child and
smothered debbie with a big hug.

"what do you plan to do with those books?" vox asked while the two were busy giggling and hugging.

"read them." luca said while walking away.

[DISCONTINUED] st. dale's | luca kaneshiroWhere stories live. Discover now