✾┆⁰⁶· catcall, catcreep, catalogue ♣·˚

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┊₍♣₎ ..⃗. ꒰ ⁰⁶· catcall, catcreep, catalogue ꒱ ✾ೄ ・゚ˊˎ

 ♣ "look who's here!" vox beamed as he recognized the silhouette.

"wHhhHoOo?" luca asked, swaying high and low while seated on the swing.

ike met vox three days ago, the date three days after the party in the ship. but ike told vox to give him three more days to do his research about the mafia and to talk to his benefactor about it. vox agreed.

to commemorate ike's cooperation, luca came with vox this time to meet him. in the park. in the middle of the night. weirdos.

luca was yelling and cheering as he flew high and higher in the swing. ike just sweatdropped.

"so? what's your final call, baby girl?"

"first off, don't call me that." ike immediately said, causing vox's puppy dog ears to fall. "i talked with my benefactor about it and-"

ike groaned. "hey! stop swinging!"

"gee! killjoy." luca said and slowed down until he stopped. "yeah? now what?"

ike sighed and continued. "correct me if i'm wrong. vox has explained this group in the making to me and he said it's not a part of the kaneshiro mafia itself?"


"so not even you will be the benefactor of this group?"

"this group is a sub-branch of the kaneshiro. it won't involve itself with mafia matters, but the mafia will involve itself in the protection of y/n. get it?"

ike squinted his eyes. "well, i'm trying."

he took a file out of his coat. "i did a little research on the mafia, as well as the both of you."

"vox is a demon of 400 years while you... i got a hell lot of information about vox, but getting yours was almost impossible." ike said to luca while reading the files. "i pulled some strings here and there, which would probably be a great help once i join your group-"

"you're gonna join?!" luca beamed with his tail wagging.

ike paused. "i am."

the two grown-ass men yipee'd like kids, making ike sigh for god knows how many times now. he had a feeling that he'd be in a lot of headaches once he officially joined whatever this group really is.

"if you were able to pull strings like that and were actually successful in investigating me, then you are something." luca said with a smile on his lips. ike cannot decipher if that smile was of pride or sarcasm.

"he is dangerous and is someone not to be messed with." vox added. "we're happy to have you on the team, ike eveland."

ike nodded. "it's a pleasure... i guess. protecting y/n is one thing, but i guess it's a relief to know that there are other people who wants to protect her."

"but i do have a question i've been thinking about for days now." ike raised his concern. "how did y/n get involved with you, a mafia?" he pointed at luca.

it was luca's turn to raise his eyebrow.

"i met her one time and she did me a pretty big favor , but i wasn't able to return it back. i also fell in love with her at first sight, so i swore my whole life to protect her existence."

that was very straightforward! the two exclaimed in their thoughts, eyes white.

"i see." ike mumbled. "what about you, vox?"

[DISCONTINUED] st. dale's | luca kaneshiroWhere stories live. Discover now