CHAPTER 8 The cards are made

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We don't get to enter the Dining Pavilion as we are intercepted by a group of pastel green-skinned girls and told to report to Chiron as soon as possible.

"What?" June asks barely holding back her yawn. "This means we're skipping dinner, are we?"

"I think it's more than that." Noah says. "I think we're in trouble."

We follow the girls to the Big House and into Chiron's office. As soon as the five of us enter the room, the maidens leave and the door slams shut. I take time to examine the surroundings. The room looks classy, full of bookshelves and antiques. There is a fireplace in the room, a few armchairs wrapped in dark red velvet and a desk. In front of us are the counselors and Chiron. I recognize Cassandra with her optimistic glow on her face, Fritz with his sun glasses in his hair and the rest are just angry foreign faces.

"Children, sit down."

Chiron's voice is calm, but something tells me it's just a trap to lure us in, to make us let our guard down. We obey nevertheless. I sit with my shoulders tensed anxiously. Poor June is shaking, Noah grabs her hand to keep her calm; the adrenaline inside Hypnos' daughter is enough to keep her awake for two days. Aristoniki sits relaxed, with her back rested on the backrest of the armchair end her eft leg crossed over the other. Magnus is the only one standing, with his arms crossed and a calm expression.

"What were you doing up there?!" a boy with black hair asks harshly. "You should've known the attic is off limits!"

"Calm down, Christian." Aristoniki speaks up to defend us. "We just planned to show the newcomers that place."

"You dare disobeying orders, Ariti." Christian interrupts her. "As chief of discipline and security around here, you will be drastically punished."

"Nobody made you chief here above anything." Fritz sighs bored. "And, if that were the case here, you should have tried your best to prevent this incident."

The Counselor of the Ares Cabin stops and looks at the son of Hermes in disdain.

"Boys that's enough."

Chiron approaches us and tells the counselors to leave as they haven't helped at all to ease the conflict. Then, he says with a low voice:

"It appears that you have the key for saving the camp and fixing Thalia's Pine, so to speak. The Oracle has chosen you. Tell me, what does the prophecy say?"

"The horn sounds, the armies mustering.

The sprout will grow, the border's strengthening

The dreams foretell, the dreamer knows

She holds the answer when things are lost.

The war is unwavering, but it will open his eyes

The victory is yours, but to the moon it belongs

On the meadows of the East, you'll find the girl who knows."

Chiron closes his eyes slowly to meditate on what Noah has just told. Then, as he opens his eyes to face us, he says worried:

"All the camp has been warned about an imminent war once more against the giants. They have been rising much faster and it seems that they have become more and more aggressive. Sadly, the great heroes of the past have long perished and the oracle has chosen you to take their place. Grim times are looming over the horizon, children. You have to be prepared."

"Please, Chiron," I plead, my voice destroying my attempt to look confident, "We need instructions. An advice, a map, at least some kind of guidance."

The Eye of The Storm - 1. RememberanceWhere stories live. Discover now