CHAPTER 10 In which we have a tarot reading hosted by a goddess

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I find myself in a pitch-black room, with no light source or windows whatsoever. I am chained by my feet and hands to the floor and, no matter how much I struggle to break free from my restraints, it's impossible to. The chains hurt my wrists like hot iron and the pain is too much to handle. I collapse to my knees in agony, waiting to die. It's a miracle I'm not screaming already.

I hear footsteps approaching and the masked figure from my last dream approaches me. He grasps my chin with his gloved hands and stares right into very soul. I haven't realized I'm trembling; the shaking chains betray my fear.

"You are, oh, so precarious position, my dear."

I feel like a dagger is ripping my soul with monstrous pleasure. I have the feeling I've heard this voice before. I realize that blood is dripping from my face, either from the chin he's hurting in his grip or his stained black leather gloves, forming a puddle at his feet. He grins.

"My dear Alison." He says letting go of my chin. "It's no use in hiding. Once Apollo falls, Olympus is soon to follow. The High King will rise to claim what's rightfully his. Time is important, my dear. Better not waste it."

He pulls out the same obsidian knife and slashes my throat in one clean cut.

I wake up gasping for air next to June, on a bed. I feel dizzy and confused.

"By Poseidon, calm down!" the daughter of Hypnos says as she rushes to help me.

"Wh-What happened?"

"I was told you passed out during the fight with the Stymphalian Birds." June replies. "You looked in a pretty rough shape when he brought you here. But, to be fair, both of you didn't look good..."

"You mean the killer seagulls?" I finally begin to understand. I try to stand, but my back hurts like crazy. The silver bracelet, my disguised sword, is shining like a diamond at my wrist. It's like nothing happened at all.

"Wait a minute..."

I get out of the covers and begin to circle the room like a trapped lion.

"Where are we?"

"Enzo decided to dock somewhere safe." June explains. "I saw them in my dream shortly after the fight. They decided to dock in the port of Aeea."


"Circe's island. She runs here a magical spa and I heard she used to be unfriendly, but that was about one hundred years ago. At least, that's what Noah says."

I shake my head and sigh. I meet June's gaze for a brief moment and her big, round, bottle green eyes stare at me with confusion, as if they are reading my very soul.

"Ah..." she says for a brief moment. "I suppose you are wondering how am I able to see you in my dreams. To be honest with you, I have no idea why this happens, but recently, more and more dreams I am having are trying to tell me something."

"I too have troubling dreams, June." I reply. "I am worried."

* * *

The shores of Aeea island seem a much-welcomed change from the blue vastness of the ocean and the killer birds from last night. The sun shines brightly, sending its golden rays towards the people's excitement. The port is packed with people and ships, making me wonder if they are halfbloods like us.

Aristoniki sits quietly on the deck, drinking a cup of tea. As she sees me approaching her, a warm and cheeky smile curls on her lips, making her seem like a half-amused-half-evil Cheshire cat.

The Eye of The Storm - 1. RememberanceWhere stories live. Discover now