CHAPTER 11 Setting course

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The warship departs, leaving the port-city of Aeea behind, surrounded by the evening fog. The weather is clear, with no sign of clouds or storms, meaning that Poseidon has granted us protection. The sun is starting to set slowly, painting the sky with shades of pink, orange and yellow.

We sit on the deck, enjoying a simple meal. June tells everyone about our encounter with the fortune-teller, about the tarot reading we had and the things she's seen at the market. Enzo listens as he consults a map, trying to see whether we will have any other stops or any dangers ahead. Out of all the people seated, Magnus hasn't said a word. He sits quietly between Aristoniki and Enzo looking lost in thought, his eyes focused on some distant thing.

I see Noah alone, contemplating the waves shimmering in the light of the setting sun. I go to check on him, but a sudden feeling of unease takes hold of me. I've remembered the conversation I had with Magnus last night.

"Mind if I join you?"

Noah turns to me and smiles warmly.

"Sure, why not?" he says. "Are you alright, Alison? I've been worried these days, seeing you so troubled..."

"I'm okay now, thanks to you."

The son of Ares blushes, his brown eyes radiating warmth. He pulls out a small bag of cloth from his pocket and hands it to me.

"For you." He whispers. "For being such a good friend."

As I prepare to open it, we hear a loud thud, which shakes the ship to its core. My friends jolt surprised as a loud roar echoes across the vastness of the seas. Enzo takes out a bronze spyglass and scours the horizon in search for possible threats.

"What was that?" June asks as she readies her spear.

"Whatever that was, it sure was massive and hasn't left yet." Aristoniki replies as she aims her bow at the deceiving waves below. The dark, blue depths tell nothing of the thing that bashed its body against the ship's hull not too long ago.


A purple dome surrounds the ship, stopping a huge serpent from crashing into the ship. Its body is slimy, full of dark grayish scales; its mouth is huge, with razor-sharp teeth the size of horns. It sprouts a mane of metal-like spines and its big, bright yellow eyes glow like fire in a torch. As quickly as it emerged from the depths, it sunk back into the ocean.

I turn to see Magnus stumbling on his feet. The son of Hecate protected us from the serpent's attack at the cost of his strength. Our gazes meet, his blue eyes seem to reassure me that he'll be okay. "Don't worry about me!" he seems to say. "I'll be fine. You go help."

"Gods, that was close!" Noah says. "Everyone, get ready! Once it rears its ugly head, strike him down!"

"Cetus, you old man!" Enzo says as he readies his crossbow. "You haven't changed at all."

"Who is Cetus?" I whisper to Aristoniki after I get my sword ready and stare in anticipation at the waves.

"A powerful sea monster, the one Princess Andromeda was going to get sacrificed to. It was sent by Poseidon himself to terrorize the land, as punishment for Cassiopeia's vanity, Andromeda's mother."

"And why does Enzo act as if he knows the monster?"

"As far as I know, they've fought before. Campers say that he was claimed in a fight with Cetus, during the Quest for The Land of Punt. Look closely for a huge scar on the serpent's belly and you'll see what I mean."

The Eye of The Storm - 1. RememberanceWhere stories live. Discover now