↳˳⸙;; ❝ CHAPTER 3 ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗:

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With Red Shoes settling in comfortably at the Fearless 7's headquarter,Y/n decided to stay back,reading something from the books she brought with her before she came here,[F/B] is one of her favourites of all time and would never get tired of reading it.If she would choose between study books or novels/fan fictions/others,she would definitely go with the latter.It's not that she hate scools or studying,she just find it...tired.Maybe,that's the word she's trying to describe about it but,if you know,you know.

The clock that hung up on tge wall showed,7.00pm,meaning that it's finally for them to have their dinner,the usual,Hans the only person in the group would do his very own special task,cooking and baking.Although,she doubt that would do it like he usually do,considering the difficulties of his form now.



A soft knocking noise can be heard across her room,she hummed while placing the book down,

"Come in,"

"Are you trying to make fun of me?You do know I can't reach it",


Oh,right.All of them are still in their stupid little curses.She heaved out a deep sigh before walking towards the door with Arthur waiting patiently infront,he smiled,

"Dinners ready,",he took a subtle gkance towards Red's room,"I'll beㅡ"


Well,that made Arthur jerked upon Hans yelling.Ah,for some reason,she relly wished to meet Hans mother and told her how he acted like the other mothers would do,in terms of managing their 'kids'.She must be feeling proudㅡ,

"Tell Red Shoes to come downstairs to eat dinner with us,Will ya?"

She glared at him before he could even run away to which he is now,running downstairs,

"Great",she sarcastically spoke,before inhaling deeply and exhaled the air inside her room.

Atleast,calling her for dinner isn't that bad.She walked her way towards Red's room before turning the golden knob from the wooden door,twisting it with a click.As she swung it open,there Red Shoes can be seen working on to something with small piles of papers on her desk and her...somewhat writing on them,

Is she making a letter or something?

Y/n cleared her throat,zeroing her eyes as Red slightly flinched at the sudden voice of her,she turned around,

"Dinner's ready",

Well,atleast that it doesn't sound rude...or was it?

"O-Oh?Y-Yeah,I'll be there in a minute",Red stuttered while rubbing her nape,chuckling awkwardly at the Princess.

Y/n didn't even hum or nod at Red's words,she instantly walked away,closing her door behind her leaving Red feeling more guilty about earlier's accident but nonetheless,she believed that she can still fix this matter between Y/n and her.She just know it.

While Y/n on the other hand,passing by Merlin's room,she heard him murmuring something foreign from her hearing.She had her brows furrowed and decided to check him out,only to had her eyes widening at the sight where he layed on the floor,with two to three books on him.The books must be falling on his head accidentally,

"What are you doing?",she asked while having her hands placed at the sides of her waist eyeing his laying figure as she stood infront of him,

"PㅡPrincess?!IㅡIt's nothing,just reaching out for some books but eventually fell...so,yeah...haha",

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