What happened?

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The Pero guardian was sitting on the outskits in the territory of the tree of life, glancing down onto sonaria from above the clouds. Just another ordinary day, huh.
Pero Jotunhel flicked his tail, as two small pero fledglings ran around the cloudy floor, playing tag. Pero Jotunhel ignored the distant pero's talking and chirping, as he was deep in thought. His eyes stared blankly beneath himself into the seemingly-endless fog seperating the Territory and Sonaria. He's been waiting for his friend for so long now. Where was he? What is he doing down there? He anxiously looked around, making sure one more time that pero ghibli isn't just playing hide n' seek with the pero fledglings, as they usually did. 
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The Ghilbi's wings gracefully cut through the air, the wind currents lifting his body further up closer to the clouds. They scanned the area with their excelent hawk-like vision, and spotted a small looking creature in the distance of the dunes. It was quite rare to see anyone in these empty deserts, besides other ghiblies. They decided to fly closer out of boredom and observe the creature from a safer and closer distance. The creature appeared to be a small worm-shrimp critter with a glowing moonglobe attacked to it's- oh, it was an Minawii. Pero ghibli remembered of how his friend hated them. His friend would always squeeze them on purpose before snapping down his jaws down onto them when they least expected it. Hold on. There was something else with the minawii- The minawii was chasing a small cloudy fluffball who looked scared for it's life. Pero ghibli's eyes widened as he realized.  
Pero ghibli felt their tallons twitch as their instincts kicked in to protect it at all cost.


Pero ghibli immediatly soundlessly swooped down from the sky, and snatched the minawii away from the scared baby bird. The minawii let out an annoying loud squeak of surprise, and them bit down on pero ghibli's toe-finger. 
''OW. NOW you've done it!'' 

Pero ghibli flew down and smacked the minawii onto the sand. The minawii tripped and stumbled back, hissing at the flier. Pero ghibli puffed his hood out, and snarled back at the minawii along with a few droplets of hot poison flying out. The minawii squeaked out a few curses before puffing up it's anthenae and fleeing off into the small cave systems in the sandrocks. Pero ghibli hissed until the minawii dissapeared off his sight. He then whirled around and tilted his head onto the shivering pero who was covering it's head with it's wings. 
Ghibli crouched in front of the pero, making himself smaller. 
''Are you alright, little guy?'' Pero ghibli bellowed softly in his throat, as the pero slowly un-hid it's face to look at the creature who saved it. The baby pero stepped back, eyeing the big flier in front of it. Pero ghibli stayed as still as possible.  
The fledgling let out a friendly squeak and buried itself into pero ghibli's snout, chirping cheerfully. 

. . .
Pero Jotunhel almost jumped, when a loud piercing roar of agony achoed down from somewhere. All of the other peros flinched and poofed up their feathers as the petrifying screams of pain drilled into everyone's ear holes. 
The roars of agony came from the east side of sonaria: The oasis.
But- How did the roar travel up here? So far up into the sky? Even through the barriers? Whatever it was- it was not looking good. Pero jot stood there, thinking if he should go check it out down there or wait for his friend. Just as then something flew through the clouds into the territory- 
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Pero ghibli emerged from the clouds, making sure to hold the baby fledling gently inbetween the tallons so it wouldn't slip out of his tallons. He had his wings and his tail fins in a horizontal line posision, almost resembling a plane. He whirled around and landed onto the soft clouds, carefully releasing the baby fledgling from his tallons- The soft cloud slightly bent under his weight, massaging his sore feet from walking on the sand- There was a gasp, and someone calling out his name- He then barely dodged the big white fluff ball who was about to ram straight into him- 

''PERO GHIBLI! Where have you been?? What took you so long!'' Pero jot rushed towards his friend, nudging his black skull. Pero ghibli took a few seconds to come to his sences from shock. It also took him awhile to collect his words, while pero jot stared at him both happy and anxious. But before ghbili could inhale and speak, Pero jot interrupted him.
''Did you also hear the roars? Did you see anything? Is it Serious? What in Aereis's name happened dowm there.'' 
Hold on, wait, the roar was heard here too? But how? What- Pero ghibli's thoughts faded away as he noticed pero jot staring at him, concerned. He tried his best to hide his unsurness and anxiousness.
''W-well.. I also heard it, yes. But i flew away as soon as possible due to an injured baby fledgling wich fell out of the sky-'' Pero ghibli pointed his wing at two babies nudging the third one in the middle, wich was brought here by ghibli.
''It wasn't an ordinary creature screaming for help. I heard it. The entire pero tribe did- something bad, really, REALLY bad happened down there. We need to go and check what happened down there.'' Pero jot only now noticed pero ghibli's sad, dissaproving expression with his wings drooping down. ''And we'll be acrefull. The worst thing wich can happen that we'll be forced to retreat for help. Don't worry-'' Pero jot put a wing around his smaller friend, and pulled him into a hug. Pero ghbili was the first one to retreat from it, and looked up hopefull into pero jot's eyes. Pero jot slightly tilted his head, smiling softly. ''I'll be waiting for you down there.'' He then watched as his best friend flapped his gigantic wings, lifting himself into the sky and then diving down, his Jotunhel tail dissapearing off into the cloudy barrier.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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