The unfortunate day... (P1)

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(PART 1)
AUTHORS NOTE: feel free to critisize! Please, help me get better at writing, thank you. :) 

A lonely aereis wandered through the grassy plains, in hopes of finding berries to satisfy it's cruel hunger.
It just wandered around, sniffing the grass and occasionaly looking around for any predators, then returning back to looking for herbs to eat with it's wings drooping down from lack of energy left.

The cold wind breeze played with the creature's fur, hinting that the winter will arrive very soon. It was also seemingly getting dark, meaning nocturnal predators will come out to hunt very soon. 

   The aereis' third eye suddendly senced something. 
"What is it, third eye?  The aereis thought as it lifted it's head up to look around.. It scanned it's surroundings, sliding it's gaze in between the rocks and moutains.
nothing was there. Only the sound of cold wind rattling with the leaves on the trees. 

 "Probably nothing.. The aereis thought.
but just as it was about to put it's head down to keep on searching..  

stomp, stomp, stomp, swoosh 

 A wild lure attacked. 
It jumped onto the aereis, and pinned it down with it's sharp claws.  The aereis flinched in pain, and immediatly blasted it's golden dust at the lure's face, temporarily blinding it. The lure let out an angry provoked roar, trying to get the golden substance off it's face, shaking it's head violently and giving the aereis an opportunity to escape. The aereis would slash the lure's face, before jumping on it's back and lifting itself up into the air, flapping it's wings to get away. The angry lure's roars we're heard in the distance, the aereis only looked back to see the lure as a small dot with a glowing tail. 
It's heart was racing for it's life. 
"That was a CLOSE CALL.." The aereis thought in relief, glad that it survived. it would soar through the skies looking for a place to land. It was even colder up here, in the air.. The aereis would shiver by the sudden tempeture change, slowly howering down to the red woods as it didn't have any energy left to stay up flying any longer.   
It would land down in between the tall trees. There was something in the distance.. wait, was it..  

"BERRIES!!" The aereis mind screamed as it ran towards the dying bushes, and chomped down on the last remaining leaves and fruit wich was left on the bushes. 

After the hungry aereis devoured the bushes, it looked around to find a good shelter for the night. It would spot a cozy looking cave in the distance. The aereis would walk towards the cave with caution this time, and peeked inside.  

The cave was pretty big for the aereis's needs, but it didn't really care. A few crystals were formed on the walls and ceiling of the cave, litting it up in a beatiful soft orange glow. There was a small pond in the cave, too. The aereis admired the beatiful cave.. but it felt it wasn't completly alone- 

''oh-'' The aereis noticed a hellion warden sitting in it's sleep in one of the collums in the cave, with it's big paws tucked in, and it's tail gently curled up into a perfect spiral. The aereis silently backed away from it, not wanting to disturb it. A small white fluffball of feathers was also sitting in the warden's lap. The aereis forced itself to look away, as it was scared that the hellion could be woken up, and it would have big concequences. After all, all Hellion's that the Aereis encountered were NOT friendly, and creatures that should not be messed with.  
The aereis would fly up to the sky hole in the ceiling of the cave and hide in the sky hole's smal collum. It was a bit tight, but safe up there from both the Hellion warden and any predators in general. The creature layed down, gently folded it's wings and set it's head down, ready to sleep. The aereis covered it's face with it's head-wings and tucked it's tail close to itself for warmth to sleep well through the cold night. With the calming sound of water travveling across the rocks and the warm cave from the crystals, with a full stomach and a cozy cave, the aereis fell asleep.

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