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        Genna looked at Kaya who looked at Genna and Zoru. "What? He won't be honest with anyone. So we have to make him. Or he won't be able to fight. If he's like this at the battle he'll probably tell every bad guy our plan. He's too sensitive." Kaya walked her own way. Now there was only Genna and Zoru. She turned to him. "My team is falling apart on the first day of training." Zoru sighed. "It always starts like this, but in the end, they will find their way back." Zoru disappeared slowly, and Genna was all alone in Jayden's backwoods. When she arrived home, her mother was sitting in the living room. ]

        "Genna what did you do to your hair!?" Genna shrugged her shoulders. "I dyed it, and it's permanent." Genna's mother closed her eyes and sighed. "What am I going to do with you Genna, you get one opportunity to do something wrong and you go and do it!" Tears began to run down Genna's face. "Well, I'm sorry I'm not the daughter you wanted!'' Genna ran upstairs and closed her door. She lay on her bed and closed her eyes. First, her friends start to fight, and now her mother feels as if her daughter is a failure. She balled up in her covers and went to sleep. When she woke up it was 6:40. School started at 8:00. She never used to wake up early. She got out of bed and washed up for school. When she came downstairs her mother was nowhere to be found. "She must already be at work." 

       Genna walked to school like always. She saw no sight of Jayden or Kaya as she passed their house. She checked her phone. There were no messages from either of them. When she arrived at the school, Rebecca was already there holding Kaya and Jayden up. "You guys aren't going anywhere." Genna approached them. "Leave them alone Rebecca. We are early today so you can't hold us up for 30 minutes." Rebecca smiled. "Sure I can." "Actually no you can't, because a hall monitor can't stand in one place for more than 5 minutes." Rebecca frowned. "Whatever dweebs. You haven't seen the last of mua.'' She walked away. Genna looked at her friends who started to walk away in different directions. "Hey guys. Were not going to walk to class together?'' Kaya scoffed. "Not if he can't be honest with himself." Jayden rolled his eyes. "Not if she can't stop being so goofy and controlling'' Genna sighed. "You guys stop!" 

       They both turned around and stopped. They had never heard Genna raise her voice.''You guys have to stop arguing. In a few days, we may never see each other again. Now Kaya you have to stop trying to control him. He has his own feelings for a reason, and he can share them when and with whomever he likes. Jayden you have to let your feelings flow and don't be afraid to let them." She looked at her best friends as they looked at her. " Can you guys do that?'' They looked at each other, then at Genna. "Yeah i guess." "Whatever." "Okay then. Let's go to class TOGETHER." At lunch they all sat at the table they sat at last week. Jayden was the first to talk. "Genna you know this battle will be on our birthday right?'' Genna looked at him seriously. "I had totally forgotten. 

        My mom would never let me go anywhere on my birthday unless she came too." "Genna, you're turning 17. She can't hold you forever." Genna and Jayden had the same birthday. Her mother had never let her go anywhere so her Jayden and Kaya would stay at her house and watch a movie. Jayden said he was fine with it, but she could tell he wanted to go somewhere for their birthday. "What are we going to do?'' "We are going to have to create a diversion somehow." Genna dug into her thoughts. How could she distract her mom. "We will have to think about it later. We have training today guys so please show up." Genna got up and parted her ways with her friends. Kaya stayed at the table for a minute after Jayden had left. She wanted to tell her friends what had happened last night but she didn't know how. Someone had come to see her. A family member of Genna's. A day of training had gone by and they had one and a half weeks to get ready. After school Genna went straight to Jayden's house and texted her mom she would be late because of a school project. 

        She hated lying, but soon enough her mother would know the truth. No one was there when she got there, so she decided to sit up in Jayden's treehouse. When she climbed up, Jayden was already there. She jumped when she saw him. He smiled. "Hey Gen" "Hi" She climbed inside and sat across from him. He was holding what looked like a picture book. "What's that?'' He handed it to her. "It's some pictures I kept of our birthdays." Genna opened the book. The first picture was Jayden and Genny when they were in pre-k. They had matching outfits. Genna laughed, as she turned the page. Jayden watched Genna laugh as she turned each page. The sun glowed on her skin. He thought about how on their 15th birthday that he wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend but didn't know how she would respond. Genny looked up at Jayden who was looking at her, but lost in thought. "Jayden?" he blinked. "Yeah?" She sighed. "Can you be 100% honest with me?'' He gulped. "Yeah what is it?'' "Do you like me? And I don't mean as a friend." 

        He looked at his feet then back at Genna. This was his time to just get his feelings out. "Yes." Kaya began to climb the ladder. "Hey guys! Whatcha doing?'' Jayden sighed and leaned his head against his knees. Genna sighed. "Did I interrupt something?'' Genna frowned. "Yes, something very important." She pointed at kaya and mouthed her to leave. " Ohhh okay then i'll just leave." She winked at Genna and climbed down the stairs. Jayden looked back up at Genna. "What I was about to say was that I have always wanted to be more than friends." Genna smiled. She had never looked at Jayden that way. "You two love birds can come out of the house tree." Zoru was standing below them. "Genna began climbing down. "Zoru it's called a treehouse." "That is what i just said." "No you said..." "I know what I said, I'm the leader." They all stood before Zoru. Tomorrow you will meet some more heroes. 

        They will train with you." Genna was happy that they would get to train with others. Zoru stood before them as he always did. That day they all got bruised up a little. Jayden was hit by an imaginary car. Kaya skinned her knee after hitting a tree. Genny hit her head with her staff after trying to spin it really fast to block the rocks Zoru was throwing at her. At the end of the meeting Zoru stopped them as they were beginning to leave. "Someone here has something to say." They all looked at each other. "One of you has encountered a descendant of hades. I can smell him all over you." Kaya looked at the ground. "Anything to tell us?''

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