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         Jayden stood there for a second. Then he smiled. "This is one of your jokes right? It's supposed to be Ha Ha Ha right?'' She shook her head. He covered his face. "I'm best friends with Hades' daughter." Genna laughed. "It's okay. I'm nothing like my father and you know it." He smiled. "I know." They walked towards the school. On their way there they saw two police cars in Kaya's driveway. Her mom was sitting on the porch crying. Genna ran towards her. "What happened Mrs. Prichard?'' She sniffled. "Kaya ran away. I don't know where she is." Genna looked at Jayden. "We'll try to find her." They ran into Jayden's woods up into his treehouse. Zoru was already waiting. "She is with hades. He is starting the war at eastern noon tomorrow." "What? We still have like 19 more days." "Hades has someone on his team who can speed up the time." Genna hadn't even noticed that tomorrow was their birthday and the day of the battle. It was as if a day flew by every hour. "Here" 

        Zoru closed his eyes and touched Genna's shoulder. Her clothes turned into a suit. It was blue and white. The back of her suit starting from her waist down had a cape-like skirt. He touched Jayden's shoulder and his clothes turned into a watercolor suit that was blue and black. "These are your battling suits." "Thank you" "Where are the others?" "They will be here in a minute." There was a flash of light. 4 kids were standing in a pattern row. There were 2 girls and 2 boys. One girl had a green suit on and had red hair. The other girl had a black suit and long black hair. One of the boys was wearing a black and white suit, and the other was wearing a red and black suit. They all stepped forward. They each ran their names off. The girl with the green suit said her name was Jessie. The girl with the black suit was Vanessa. The boy with the black and white suit was Joshua, and the boy with the red and black suit was Alex. Genna told them their names. "My name is Genna and this is Jayden." 

         He nodded toward them. "So what are you guy's powers?'' Jessie smiled. "I can control vines and plants. Vanessa can blend in with anything. Joshua can control the earth, and Alex can control fire." "What about you guys?'' Jayden spoke up before Genna. "I have a force field and I can use it to fly. Genna here has multiple powers. She can control the weather, electricity and she can read minds. She is also a seeker. She knows what's going to happen before it can happen." Jessie looked at Genna. "So are we going to win?'' Zoru interrupted Genna before she could answer. "She is not allowed to see wars, or there wouldn't be any." Jessie eyed Genna. Genna had a feeling Jessie didn't like her. Another Rebecca that's all. "How come you have so many powers?'' Genna shrugged. Even though she might have known the answer. Everyone began to grab their things and begin training. Jessie stopped Genna and whispered in her ear. "You're hiding something and I'm going to find out what it is." Jessie eyed her and walked away to get her things. 

           Alex walked up to Genna. "Don't let her get to you. She's just always so protective over us since she's older." Genna frowned. "How old is she?'' "19" "How about you?'' "18, you?" "I turn 18 tomorrow." "So your birthday is on the day of the battle?'' Genna nodded. "That doesn't seem odd to you?'' "Yeah and I might know the reason, but I'm not sure if i should say anything. Jessie hates me enough." He smiled. "Well you can tell me. I promise I won't tell." He held out his pinky. Alex reminded her of Jayden. She entwined her pinky in his. "Okay fine." "Hades is my father." Alex stood there for a second processing his thoughts. "So you're telling me you have to fight your dad on your birthday?'' Genna nodded. "That's tough." Genna smiled. "Yeah I know." "Well, hopefully everything will be okay." He put his hand on her shoulder. "Yeah hopefully." Jayden watched them from afar. He was hoping that Alex already had a girlfriend or something because there was no way to compete with that. He was like 5'6 and looked oddly like Mathew Daddario. "Kids choose a partner to work with." Jayden quickly walked up to Genna. "Hey Gen, wanna be my partner?" Genna looked at Alex. "Alex already asked." 

            Alex smiled. "You could probably work with Vanessa. Your powers would work together." Alex said his words smoothly. Jayden stiffened. "Fine. Whatever. I'll see you later Gen." He walked away and asked Vanessa if she would like to work with him. She gladly accepted. "So is he your boyfriend?'' For some reason she smiled. "No, well I don't know." Alex nodded slowly. "Complicated huh?'' Genna sighed. "Yeah" Alex smiled. "Well, i'm not gonna take it easy on you just because your life is complicated." He smiled as they put distance between them. Genna smiled too. "Okay Mr. Eazy life, show me what you got." "Gladly" His hand grew a fire ball and he readied it in his hand. "You ready princess?" Genna smiled. "I was born ready." He threw the fireball at her as hard as he could. Genna hit it with her staff and it disintegrated. "Woah, where did the staff come from?" "Can't tell you. Or it wouldn't be a secret."

           She blasted electricity bolts at him and he dodged each one. "You're not the only one with secrets you know." His fire ball grew into a staff. Made out of hot lava. He shot fire balls at her and she disintegrated each one. "Is that all you got?" She closed her eyes and began to float into the air. The clouds began to turn grey and thunder began to roar. She opened her eyes and they were white as snow. Everyone stopped training to watch her. Alex smiled. "Bring it on."

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