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           He smiled. Jayden frowned. "Gen, what are you doing?'' Jayden struggled as The boy smiled. "You wouldn't do it." Genna smiled. "Yes, I would. I want to meet hades. I made up my mind. I'm on his side." The boy laughed. "Ok if you're on his side, then we won't need him." He threw Jayden to the ground. "Come, we don't have much time." The boy held out his hand. Genna slowly walked towards him. Her eyes were still on Jayden. "No, Genna don't go." When she got beside him, he laughed. "Hold on tight sis." 

        Genna took one last look at Jayden. Then there was a rush of wind and the air got very hot. When she opened her eyes. She saw nothing but red and black. Everything was made of lava and molten rock. They were on a large gateway leading to a big castle. "Let's go shall we." They began to walk. "You know dad will be happy to see you." Genna frowned. "I'm sure he will." He smiled. "Boy did he miss you. He wanted me to keep an eye on you since you were little." Genna frowned. "How old are you?' "I am, let's see, in two weeks I will be 20." "Why do you look like you're my age?" "Because dad gave me the power to an age when I want to." Genna nodded. So that meant Hades had been with someone before her mother. She had to make herself look like she was interested, but really she was studying the place in case they had to come to him and attack. "So what's your name?" He scoffed.  

        "It's Edward." Genna almost let out a laugh. "Haha not everyone has cool names like u Genesis." Genna smiled. "Why are you working for him anyways. He is trying to rule something that isn't his." Edward was quiet for a moment. "Because he wont let me go." Genna looked up at him. "What do you mean?" "I am stuck in this place. He won't let me leave unless he sends me to a pacific place. So I just do everything he says. The only way I could leave was if I could make a wish. Or gain his trust to come back every day. He doesn't want to lose another child, but i hate it here." Genna felt bad for him. He was kept here against his will. "You know there used to be a lake somewhere here. It was a wishing lake. People would find stuff in it and make a wish and throw it back in. Depending on what you find, you can get more than one wish. The thing is, the wish always came true." Genna looked at her bracelet. Now she had a good plan. "Edward, I can get you out of here." Edward looked at Genna. "How?"  

        "You just have to trust me. If you help us, I can get you out." She held up her wrist. He grabbed her hand. "The enchanted bracelet. You get two wishes." He looked her in the eyes. "You promise you'll help me?" She nodded. "As long as you help us." He hesitated. "Dad would be very angry with us. He won't care if we get in the way. He'd kill us if he had to." Genna looked at her shoes. "We have to fight for what's right." Edward nodded. "Take me back to my team and I'll make the wish there." There was a flash of fire and they were standing in a plain field. "Where are we?" The wind pushed Genna hair in every direction. 

         Even Edwards' hair flew. "This is where the fight will take place. Your friends are not here yet. You can go ahead and make the wish." "How?" "You close your eyes and you make a wish. This time there is no candle." Genna nodded and closed her eyes. She wished that Edward was free and he could roam where he wanted. A golden circle floated around Edwards body. It was a beautiful glittery color. Then it burst into thin air. Genna smiled. Edward laughed. "I'm free" He smiled at Genna. "Thank you." She nodded. Suddenly a vine wrapped around Edward and he fell to the ground. The vine started to choke him. It was Jessie and the rest of the crew. 

         "Jessie stop! He's on our side!" Genna tried to break the vine. "How can I trust you? Jayden told us what you did." Jayden stood helplessly on the side. "I was faking to see what Hades next move was." Zoru stepped forward. "She is telling the truth. Let him go Jessie." She unwrapped him from the vines. He coughed up what everyone thought was blood. Genna helped him up. "He is coming." Everyone took their stand.The ground began to shake. Fire rose from the earth. Out came a big piece of rock. On the rock there stood five People. Four where Teenagers dressed for battle and in the middle stood Hades. 

          He was tall and muscular. His hair was a flaming blue. He laughed and it sounded like a roar of thunder. Beside him stood Kaya she had a yellow and black suit on and her eyes were a glow red. All the kids' eyes were this color. There was another girl who had big black wings and long black nails. There was a guy who was made out of titanium. The last guy was made out of pure ice. They stared wickedly at them. Hades looked down at Edward. "Boy your work is done, you can come by my side and fight." Edward shook his head. "I'm done being your guinea pig dad. I am free from your claws in the depth of hell."

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