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             Hades frowned and looked at Genna. He smiled. "Oh, my dear Genna. You look so much like your mother. But you act too much like her. Too innocent for your own good." He straightened his smile into a line. "Get them." The teenagers ran towards them. The girl with the wings flew high above them and swooped in. Kaya ran so fast that no one could catch up with her. Jayden hit the girl with the wings with his force field. She bounced back into the sky. The boy made of titanium ran towards Alex who quickly threw his fireballs. 

          Joshua made big chunks of rock come from the earth and threw them at the Titanium boy. Vanessa turned invisible and moved through the crowd tripping the teenagers when she could. Kaya caught her and threw her to the ground. Jayden flew up to fight the girl with the wings. Genna looked at Edward. "We got to defeat Hades. They walked angrily towards Hades. He grew fireballs and threw them at Genna And Edward. Genna stuck it with her staff. As soon as Kaya began to run, Jessie wrapped a vine around her foot and Kaya fell. The vines wrapped around her body to where she couldn't move, "Don't kill them. 

          They are being controlled! Just trap them." Zoru shouted while trying to help them. The ice boy hit Alex in his back and he fell down. He began to blast Alex with his ice and Alex was running out of air. The circulation of ice was cutting out his fire. That way he couldn't breath. 

         Jayden quickly came and hit the ice boy with his force field. He helped up Alex, who bent over to catch his breath. "Thanks." Jayden nodded. "Let's just call it a I owe you shall we?" Alex rolled his eyes. "Whatever." Genna struck at Hades with her staff. He easily blocked it. Edward shot his electric ball at Hades. He blocked it too. "You children are pathetic. You don't know what my plan is." He stuck at them with his lava. It ripped through the ground at them. They both jumped into the sky. Jayden ran to protect Jessie from the lava that was spewing behind her. The lava hit the back of his leg. He screamed of pain. Jessie quickly wrapped his foot with leaves. "This will take away the pain." He nodded. 

          Jessie went to help the others. The titanium boy was fighting Alex. Alex tried his best to stay away from the boy because he was so strong. "I advise you to back off." He laughed. "Or what? You gonna melt me?" Alex shrugged. "Thanks for the idea." Alex flew into the sky and came down on the boy with his lava spear. "Now Joshua!" As soon as the boy struck into the ground, Joshua put heavy rocks around him to keep him down. "Good work Joshua. 2 down 3 to go." Vanessa was choking the ice boy but needed a little help since his body was so cold. Jayden hit him against his head with the force field and it knocked him out cold. Alex flew to get the girl with the wings. She flew into the clouds. She smiled at Alex. 

          "Oh Alex. Why did you have to join this sorry team? You're going to lose." He scoffed. "You're the only one left. Trust me, were not losing." She struck him with her nails and it left three long marks on his face. He struck her wing with a little spit fire and it made a hole. She began to fall to the ground. Alex swooped in and caught her. He laid her on the ground. "Look at you, you're too scared to hurt me." He hit her in the head with the bottom of his staff. She was out cold. "Too scared huh?" He laughed. They all stood before Hades. "Give up Hades. You lost." He held a hand over his heart. "My own daughter is calling me Hades. 

           How touching. But you see, I haven't completely lost." He shot up from his rock and laughed his evil laugh, that roared through the sky. Before anyone could move, A big beam of light came from the sky, and it was so bright it almost blinded everyone. Hades came back to the ground looking as confused as we were. A man with a long white beard came from the sky. Then came a man with a trident. It was Zeus and Poseidon. They stood with them. "I advise you to leave Hades. The war is over. You will never rule our lands." 

           Hades got fired up and balled his fist of fire. He took one step and Poseidon struck him with his trident. Hades flew away so far there was a twinkle in the sky. Edward turned to Poseidon. "You couldn't have come earlier." Poseidon smiled. "We had to make sure you guys were worthy." Zeus turned and faced his Superhumans. You all showed courage and bravery. We will send you to your parents and you can ask them if they want you to attend our school. I will see you all there."

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