If you dance, I'll dance

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"Dont even think of skipping tonight, itll be fun!" Reya held onto her arm, practically pleading with Fae to not use the excuse of it being too loud or bright for her.

"Im the entertainment, pretty sure i dont have a choice in the matter." Fae stated bluntly, a mall smile tugging at her lips as Tsireya spun them both happily on the beach, where they were lounging, shirking the responsibility to teach for today.

"What's happening tonight?" Lo'ak but in, raising his dark eyebrows at the two teen girls.

"It is party, traditional for the young metkayinas. We go and dance and sing and have fun. You come?" Tsireya asked, batting her lashes at lo'ak shyly.

"Wont be a party without me!" He smirked cockily, as Neteyam scuffed him round the back of the head.

"Only if mum and dad will let you, fool"

"Course they will let me!"

"And what makes you believe that? Maybe you are stupid, i give you too much credit."

"Nope, because youre coming with me!"


Fae held Reya's hand as they walked up to the far beach, welcomed by pillars of fire, music, and laughter.

"Im so excited," Reya gushed, dragging Fae over to the crowd and handing her a wooden cup full of a dark, strong smelling liquid. "You better sing a song that i can dance with lo'ak to!"

"Ill play your wingwoman, dont you worry."

"And what about you?"

"What about me, Reya?" Fae glanced around the crowd, searching for someone...she wasn't quite sure who.

"Well, are you going to dance with Neteyam?" She prodded, looking at Fae as though she was being unbelievably dumb right now.

Fae caught his eye, he was stood slightly awkwardly with Kiri and Lo'ak, seemingly giving them both a lecture to stay safe, going off the bored expression on his younger siblings faces. Kiri dipped away once he had finished, lo'ak clapping his brother on the back, as Neteyam turned and met her eyes with a small smile. She blinked, looking away sharply, frowning as she touched her hand to her suddenly warm cheek.

"If he asks me to."

"Come on guys, lets get this party started," Roxto called clapping his hands, drums starting as he spoke.

"We've got some.. special guests tonight," Ao'nung practically snarled, grabbing Fae'voilas hand from where she sat on the sand, twirling her as he brought her into the circle. "So im thinking, we show them how we do it down below, because i dont think they get out much."

As the music started, Fae was twirled from one hand to another. She let the music wash over her as she moved her feet in time with her ever-changing partner's. Roxto dipped her low, Ao'nung lifting her high into the air. More na'vi began joining in, it was like a game, you switched partners, stealing them from one another. It was a blur, but all through out, she kept her eyes on the dark blue boy who stood casually on the outside. Watching her with a calculating gaze.

"Bro she totally likes you."

"Lo'ak, go dance with Tsireya, and stop trying to wingman me."

"Oh i will," Lo'ak watched as Tsireya was spun by a village boy, "but first, ive got to deal with you."

Lo'ak gave his brother a sharp push into the the crowd of dancers, causing him to bump directly into someone.
The girl turned, Fae, she gave him a confused look before 'winking' and taking his hand with a nervous confidence.

Fae didnt let herself be stolen again, she wanted to dance with Neteyam. He wasn't as clumsy on his feet then he was in the water, their bodies moved in sync. She didn't take her eyes off his for even a moment, letting the music to fade as they danced.

He lifted her high as she sung out her lilting melody, an airy symphony of 'la-las' as Neteyam let her slide back to the ground, his arms supporting her as she descended.

She smiled up at him.

Maybe a dance partner wasn't so bad.

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