Calling All Beautiful Creatures

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A horn blow rang out through the village. Tsireya raced along the path, joy radiating off the girl as she leaped and bounded.
"Theyre home! The tulkuns have returned! People! Our brothers and sisters are home!"

Na'vi emerged from their huts, racing towards their ilus and skimwings. Darting across the waves to rejoin their brothers and sisters.

Neteyam watched, an excited beam spreading across his features. He had been showing Fae how to shoot his bow. Fixing her arms, and pressing his warm hands against the dip in her back, "stand up straight, unless you want to shoot a tree instead of the target."

"Id much rather shoot you, but sure."

"Come Fae, come show me them."
Fae looked out to the sea almost nervously, her teeth pulling against her lower lip. Neteyam took her hand, neither holding her in place or pulling her along. Just waiting.

Then she smiled, soft and quiet, and let herself be led towards the waves. She let out a call, her ilu appearing next to her, Neteyam doing the same, before they sped off in a wordless race.

Lo'ak rode behind Tsireya on her ilu, as they sunk deep into her waves towards her sister. Neytiri seemed happy behind Jake on his skimwing, as he pointed out families to her. Kiri and Tuk held on to the side of a Tulkun, befriending thmpem with ease. And Neteyam. That beautiful laugh.

"You think i'll get a skimwing one day?" Neteyam called out after they had slowed slightly, his fangs showing happily as he watched the tulkun leap out the water in greeting.

"You planning on staying around long enough to get one?" Fae wondered aloud, her smile now more cautious, trying to seem casual.

"What? Trying to get rid of me so soon? And here i was thinking you were just starting to like me." He dramatically exclaimed. "Maybe youre right."

Fae smile faltered, looking sharply away.

"Maybe, instead of me getting a Skimwing. Youll have to get a mountain banshee, that is if youre not immediately thrown off a mountain by it."

Fae looked back, smile breaking back through, like the sun breaking through clouds.

"That one down there," Fae pointed down into the waves at a tulkun conversing with Tsireya. "That is Reya's soul sister. She and my dear Tulkun, Lieku, were sisters. They loved one another just as me and Reya love eachother."

Neteyam reached across, touching her arm gently, then moving his arm and wiping a tear she didnt know had shed.

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