Beware The Daughter Of The Sea

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A human crawled its way out of the murky waves, Fae didnt have to even look at the strange man as he gasped air through his semi-broken oxygen mask to know the hatred that lay in his eyes as he stared at the two na'vi girls sat in silence around another na'vis body.

The battle was not finished, but Fae payed mo mind to the Sully's departure for revenge. She stayed by his side, knowing part of her would always be here, in the very moment he took his last breath.

She couldnt take her eyes off his lifeless form, she reached over and closed his eyes, maybe she could pretend he was just sleeping.

"Fae.." Tsireya's voice shook in tired fear, her eyes red from her tears, her voice scratchy.

She was scared, she had just watched her friend die due to these monsters. Fae was scared too.

She glanced up, tearing her eyes away from Him caused her physical pain, as though her heart was literally breaking, maybe it genuinely was. She looked up at Reya, her kind and loving sister and seeing the tears slipping from her wide eyes. Those beautiful eyes. Her sister was in pain.

Fae tightened her fingers briefly around her foolish jungle boy's cold hand, before moving her hand to his belt around his waist, gripping his knife that lay there and unsheathing it. She bared her teeth in an attempt of a snarl, staring down at the blade in muted resignation .

She must protect Reya.

She must protect Him.

She stood slowly, crouching slightly in front of them, Tsireya seemed to be frozen kneeling beside Neteyam, the bloody human stood in front of her, his gun loaded and pointed.

"Dont you even dare."

Her voice was a sob, she held his knife defensively in front of her, blade pointed at the human's heart.

She broke.

With a yell, as he lifted his finger aiming to kill, she dashed forwards, slashing wildly as she danced.

For a moment, she could pretend. She could pretend she was play fighting with her beloved, he was teaching her his ways. He would make a teasing comment every time she struck him, turning away at the last moment to never cut his skin. He would wear that Skxawng smile, that she would never see again and tilt his Skxawng head, that now lay motionless and blank on the cold stone.
But right now, she could see how he would look at her like he saw all of her. Because he did.

A bullet blew through her ear, causing the world to ring, fighting off black spots invading her eyes.

She could maybe hear Reya scream her name. It was hard to focus as her head spun. She stumbled, hand reaching to her ear, her own blood mixing with Neteyams. Her hands were stained with fresh paints, a canvas that had never been completely clean. She fought the tears that welled in her eyes, blinking them back.

Over the humans shoulder, she focused on the ship that was now slowly sinking below the waves. She thought of the Sullys having to return to find Reya and Fae laying dead, knife in hand as they had tried too late to protect their son. She thought of the pain and guilt that would consume lo'ak.

She thought of how Neteyam would joke all her lessons had gone to waste.

"That all you got sea star?"

She could hear him, as though Eywa saw her pain. It was not him, but it was enough. Sound came rushing back into her ears, as if the world was no longer moving in slow motion. She turned, kicking the gun from his clutch before stabbing where his heart lay.

She was close to the man, his stagnant breath on her skin as she hissed in her agony, shocked by the force required to kill.

It was easier then she had hoped to draw the knife back out, pushing the gargling man back, so he landed heavy on the rock with a sickening crack.

The right side of her face throbbed dully, she returned to kneel beside Him, not being able to feel her own limbs, as if she was watching herself preform these acts.

They stayed like that for a long time, Tsireya stared at her friend with a new found perspective, Fae's muted eyes and numb expression broke her heart, she was no longer the sun. Darkness had crept in.

She did not react when the Sullys and the human boy returned, she didnt say a word as she stood and backed away slowly, allowing them their access to their son and brother. Jake kicked over the human's body wordlessly, pushing it into the sea, he looked up, directly into Fae's blackened soul, and a tired understanding passed between the two. He nodded his head grimly at her, she nodded back emptily.

Kiri touched her injured ear gently, Fae simply letting her do as she wished as she stared at the blood on her hands. Kiri was still so caring, so aware of others as her brother lay cold on the floor. She was strong, something within her was so powerful.

She had once asked who would be the one to save him.

Fae hadn't expected it to be so painful to accept that it was not her.

Lo'ak wrapped an arm around the mournful Tsireya, Tuk cried softly, holding her big brothers hand to her face in a hopeless attempt to feel his fading warmth. Kiri gave her arm a squeeze before moving to wrap her arms around her wrecked mother soothingly.

Fae'voila turned and watched the sun rise.

It no longer warmed her skin.

She was so desperately cold.

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