Chapter 1

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Hello my lovelies!!!
Thank you for giving this book a chance.
I'm sorry if it's not to your liking....
I also want you to understand that this book is mostly focused on the two characters so there won't be much interaction with other side characters.

I can't believe I wrote this at midnight though.......
I hope it's worth it,
Please make it worth it.😭😭


        "Isn't she the daughter?" ,The whispers echoed through the walls.
       "Poor child.... being related to that                swindler must be tough"

Not really.
  I was already getting tired of their BS,my father just passed away and this is how they came to show concern?
How lovely.

  My father had been famous for being a swindler,he had no friends and was basically cut off from his 'family',which explains why only a handful of people had attended his funeral....Most who had been drinking buddies.
     "I'm sorry for your loss dear,your father was a good....." It was my neighbor Mr. Joey,I guess he felt obligated to attend.

"Person?" I kinked a brow at him

"Uhh yeah" rubbing the back of his head he scurried away.

Looking around at the noisy area,"let's just get this over with" I muttered under my breath.

I wasn't much of a social person,it was always me and my bed..away from all the drama the world entails.
My dad had died in his sleep,he died peacefully— I had concluded.
Don't get me wrong I adored my father, I'd cried my eyes out earlier and I think it's time to let him rest, He'd always made me promise not to hurt over losing him because he knew he had bad blood with almost everyone.
I'm trying to keep my promise.


After they'd all left,I drowned into my bed relishing a pack of chocolate chips to help with the stress,where was alcohol when you needed it!!
I was too damn lazy to go outside,the weather was sunny and perfect...I hated it.
Oh how I love the night time...when sleep was at it's finest—

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Who was it?
I let out a frustrated groan as I struggled to get up.

Whoever it was better be important,I pulled the front door open to reveal a stranger.
"How may I help you?" I asked pulling my arms behind me.
"You must be Mr Bennett's daughter?"
The man said, pushing his glasses above the ridge of his nose over his almond shaped eyes,I took in the expensive dark blue suit he had on and the professional briefcase he held onto
"You're not here so sell me weed are you?" I squinted my eyes my tone laced with sarcasm.
"" he reached for his inner jacket pocket and brought out a business card.
"You haven't answered my question" taking the card from his stretched hand "how may I help you".

"My boss had business with your father and he'd like to finish it up with you" he spiked in a calm business-like manner "sorry for your loss" he added

Finish it up with me?

"What is this about?"

"I can see that you're confused miss Bennett", looking at the card in my hand "come to the address written there and your questions will be answered", on saying that he gave a nod and walked away as I watch his back disappear into a corner.

I studied the business card,it had an address written boldly on it.
Was it some kinda mafia headquarters or something.

           The cold breeze kissed my cheeks as I walked the street, sweeping away the leaves on the sidewalk.
I took a cab to the address written on the card, nodding my head to the sound of drake playing on the radio from the backseat.
  "We're here" the Taki driver announced.
I paid him off adding a thank you and he zoomed off.

     Looking around my jaw dropped at the sight of a big gate,no,big was an understatement... it was effing gigantic.

Was this the right address?

Checking the card was as a matter of fact the right address.
I chuckled,there was a small doorbell looking thingy and I pressed on it.
"Who are you?"

A voice chimed from a speaker I hadn't noticed,"I'm Lyra Bennett..."

My sentence was cut short by the gate a small person sized door opening up at the side of the gate.

"Come in" the voice said.

It was a really large building and as you might have guessed.... 'large' was an understatement.

I walked inside heading towards what looked like a receptionist station.

"Good morning ma'am. How can I help you?" A cheery light voice spoke behind the counter,a brunette in a grey suit and bold red lipstick.

Honestly I'd look like a walking zombie if I was in her position.
Nodding in agreement to myself,"uhh I'm here to see the boss".

"The CEO...?" She cocked a brow

"Uhh yeah"

The boss?
I don't even know who that is

"And you are...?" She eyed me from head to toe making me feel out of place in my blue cardigan and baggy jeans.

  "Lyra Bennett" I responded with a small smile

Her expression changed "oh" she said walking out of the counter "follow me"

She led the way and I indeed followed, using an elevator we walked into a waiting room.

    "Have a seat...." Sizing me up again "and don't touch anything" she added before sauntering out of the room.


I'm feeling tired and generous so I'll let it slide...well, mostly tired.

I didn't wait long but I was about to sleep off when the door cracked open causing me to adjust.

A familiar figure walked in,it was the man from before,still clasping onto his briefcase.

Another man I suppose was the 'CEO'  walked in from behind.
My eyes widened and jaw dropped,he was breathtakingly gorgeous and not in a conventional sense, charisma pouring from his every step.
His tall, muscular figure taking over the entire room.His unfathomable icy blue eyes staring at me with no emotion.
  My eyes slid up to his face and I reminded myself to breathe,his hair was brown and smooth,the kinda type you'd want to run your hands through.
    He sat right in front of he,"you may go" he signaled to the receptionist who stared at him like she was going to eat him up,she nodded with a flirty smile and left.
    His gaze fell on me but I was too distracted by his body to notice,with every detail I took heart jumped.

Was he an incarnation of a Greek god?

He furrowed his brow,"Are you done staring?" He asked with a hint of amusement "Miss Lyra Bennett"


I'm giving out a virtual hug to you, thanks for reading through this chapter.
Don't forget to vote 🥺
So.... Did you like chapter 1?

Let me know in the comments.....
I'm sleep deprived rn
I love you all
Stay safe!


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