Chapter 2

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   I flushed in embarrassment realizing that he'd caught me staring.

"Uh-uh who are..."  What came out of my mouth mostly sounded like a squeak.

"Read this"his husky voice cutting in,he placed a file on the table gesturing for me to pick it up and I did.

My eyes widened by each sentence I read, what was this?

"Your father had stolen 3.5 million from me" he leaned back,eyes still on me "sorry for your loss".

"I-,I can't– I don't....." Taking a deep breath "How is this my business?" I asked peering into his icy eyes.

"Mmm. You see he had already started paying back" I frowned "Little by little.. I'm quite patient" he added


Where was this conversation going?

"Dalton?" He called as he stuck out a hand,the briefcase guy who I assumed was the Dalton handed him another file from his briefcase.

He passed it to me,"you see....your father had already signed this paper, meaning he agreed to pay back everything"

I scrutinized the signature,it was indeed my dad's.
Looking up to meet his gaze,I didn't say a word.

"Now that he is no more.... I think you're going to have to fill in"


"What happens if I refuse?"

"Then we'll take you to court...this was between me and your father,yes" he grinned "But we both know your dad was basically a 'criminal'...which will make you accessory to theft"


"I don't have the money"

He chuckled,"I know"


"What do you do?" He asked

"I'm a free spirit"

"Ah you're unemployed huh" he furrowed his brow "you studied business administration, right?"

How does he know?

I gave a quick nod.

"Well with your degree I think it'll be easy to get a should have been prepared for this yunno"

Trust me...if I had known,then I would have been prepared,by 'prepared' I mean I would have ran as far as possible.

Dalton stepped forward and whispered something into his ear and he nodded, turning to me again.
"I was just informed that we have a vacant position suitable for you"

"For me...?" I asked confused "you're going to hire me?"

"More like you're going to be working for free till your debt is cleared"

"Wait a minute...." Calculating how long I'd have to work here "that's a long time" I voiced out.

"It's a P.A position" he said ignoring me.

The nerve on him,ughh...

"Personal assistant?,whose...?"

Oh please don't say it's some stuck up ass like him.

"Mine" he simply said.

That's way worse....I was this close to tugging at my hair in frustration.

"Uhh I don't think I...."

"Here's my house address, you're going to live with me till the contract is over" he stated " I like to keep a close eye on people who owe me"

What in the...
Live with him?

"I don't think that's poss...." And he was ignoring me. Again.
"I will not agree to this" I jerked up in a totally dramatic manner.

He frowned,"Excuse you?"

"You can't just take advantage of me like that" I continued "And I most definitely will not live with a man I'd just met because of some 'deal',No".

His Expression changed,"you're a really annoyingly difficult person" saying that he stood up and stared down at me,"Did you really read through the papers I gave you?,your father signed off your house as part payment".

My house... what was he talking about?

I read through the papers in my hands one more time and indeed,he did sign off the house, what in the world was he thinking.
You know that feeling when your legs turn jelly...I fell to the chair.

"In some days time you'll be homeless and even if you can 'keep' the house... it'll be a long distance and I really hate tardiness" he let out a deep sigh "which is why I want you to move in with me".


"Still,I can't just Live with you" I stood my ground giving him a look of distrust.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything to you" his eyes sizing me up "you're not worth it,trust me"


He walked towards the door then turned to me "If I don't see you tomorrow...I promise to see you in court" with that,he left with Dalton following behind after giving me a quick nod.

Hah... I'm definitely screwed.


       You know what they say,"If you're gonna drown...drown in a big sea"
Well I'm going to do just that.
    I arrived at 'Mr Lawsen's' house with my luggage.The house was not too big neither was it small yet it exuded wealth,A sturdy residence.
   I was shown into the house by an elderly woman who introduced herself as the housekeeper.
I followed behind her as I looked around,the interior of the house possessing polished wood floors and a graceful banister that curved up towards a soaring second floor.
      She took me up the stairs, stopping in front of a door and turning to me,"this is your room, please make yourself at home" placing a small smile on her face "I'm Magdalene but you can call me Maggie"

     Mirroring her smile,"Thank you Mrs Maggie, I'm Lyra" I didn't see the need to add my last name.

"You're welcome,child" pulling me into a small hug "c'mon,go in and freshen up,dinner will be ready in a few.....the young master's room is just across although he isn't home at the moment" she left hurriedly to the kitchen.

Young master?
Must be good to be rich.

I took a deep breath and opened the door to my new 'room'. It was spacy with clean white walls,a desk with a blank blotter on it, sliding closets opposite the bed and then the bed... looking really beautiful,big and soft.
I couldn't wait to fall into it,I let out a sigh and decided to freshen up in the shower.

    Probably 40 minutes of soaking my skin with hot water...I felt relaxed.

Leaving the shower to my room...I tied up my hair, looking for something comfortable to wear when the door creaked open.

I turned to the tall figure staring at me in shock.



There you have it folks....
Thanks for making it through chapter two.

I can't believe he didn't think to knock though 😅

I love you all....


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