Chapter 4

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   'My first day of work went well' I yawned,all that drama wasn't good for me. I hated drama, I've seen enough of it in high school and I'm so... done with it.

I went back to the office with Aiden who stared at my stained clothes with a puzzled look. And I simply gave him a look that said what?

"What's next on my schedule?" he asked
I took out my notepad and looked through it.

"You have a meeting in the next thirty minutes with MST's Mr smith" I answered.

"Do I have to ask to know my schedule..." He sighed "And do you plan on going with me like that?"

"I washed it just won't come out"
He stood up, sauntering towards me and stopped a few inches away eyeing me down.
My face turned crimson when I sensed his eyes lingering on me.

I was about to say something when he took off his suit jacket and placed it on my shoulders which startled me,"That's better" he said with a small grin.

I blushed harder,the jacket smelled of  him....he smelled of citrus,he smelled sweet. I snapped out of my thoughts immediately.

     The meeting had begun immediately we entered.
"I'd like an increase I return,Mr Lawsen" The Small looking man said.
"An increase?...I sure we agreed on 6%" Aiden replied.

"Yes but I can see business is going great.... I can also see new faces" he winked at me with a disgusting grin on his face, turning to Aiden again "I'd like a raise of 10%"

Aiden didn't hide his irritation,"Mr Smith, you do realize that even our biggest investors get an 8% percent return" folding his arm "I don't think that's possible"

I could sense that he was pissed at what Aiden had said.

"Moving on" Aiden announced gesturing for me to hand over the documents I carried.

"It appears that the market....." they'd discussed for about an hour long and I was exhausted.

Aiden stood up for a while to make a phone call while I stood beside Mr Smith in awkward silence.
I groaned internally.

Suddenly I felt a hand grabbing my ass,I gasped at the contact. Turning to look at the disgusting pervert with a frown,I opened my mouth to say something but decided to keep my cool since he was an important person to the company.

"Mr Smith..." an angry voice called out,it was Aiden's "Lyra...wait outside"

I left immediately I heard those words,I didn't want to stay here any longer than I had.

I felt sick each time I thought of what happened a while ago,all I wanted was to go home.
After some minutes of waiting,the door creaked open to reveal the small looking man whose eyes were red to the point that I thought he was about to cry.

I was about to walk back inside when I bumped into Aiden,he looked pissed... really pissed.

His icy blue eyes met mine for a while,"are you alright?" I asked

"Tell the driver to be prepared, we're going home" he simply said, ignoring my question and walking away.

I made a quick call to the driver then ran after Aiden.
"Mr Lawsen?!!" I called after him but he kept on walking.
"Lawsen" I called again but he ignored.

Ah fuck it.

"Aiden!!!" I screamed

He freezed in his steps and everyone there at the moment stared at me like I'd done something wrong.
I ignored the eyes on me and walked up to Aiden who looked at me with a frown etched on his face.

       My blood boiled at the sight of that man sexually harassing my P.A.
I didn't know when I asked her to leave but I did.
  "Mr Smith,are you aware that this isn't one of those places you always go to"

"What do you mean?" He asked

"I let you be associated with 'Voyage' even though your scandals are of the roof" I walked towards where he was seated, looking down on him "you dare harrass one of my own?....I think it's time to let you go"

"C'mon Aid...."

"You seem to think that we are close but don't get the wrong idea,I was only using you because you have no where to turn to" he flinched at my words "The next time you do this...I won't just terminate the contract",
I leaned in, pointing a finger to his chest "I will end you".

"You can't...." He squeaked like the mouse he was.

"Get out"


  "Aiden!!!" I heard her scream causing me to stop in my track.
No one had ever dared to call me by my name but here she was screaming it out.

She ran towards me, walking beside without saying a word.
I didn't say anything either,we just walked towards the car in silence.

"Are you okay?" I asked as the car drove off
She black eyeballs studied me before answering "I'm okay"

"I apologize for what that man did to you"

She seemed shocked,did she think that I'd see what happened and ignore it. I frowned

"It's... okay" she lied,her grip tightened on my jacket.

She still had it on....cute

"You shouldn't be wearing skirts this short" I shrugged

"Excuse me?"
"You're excused" I grinned

"You're an asshole" she scoffed looking me in the eye,for some reason I enjoyed this.

"Is that how you talk to your boss?"

"Right,sorry" she leaned in close "you're an asshole....sir"

I let out a soft chuckle "Much better" I said,my toned laced with sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes. Looking out the window,the light shining on her face.
Her dark raven hair tied up in a bun,her heart shaped lips pressed into a tight line. She was effortlessly beautiful.

The sound of my phone ringing jolted me back to reality.
"Hello Dalton"
"Hello sir" he paused "there seems to be a problem"

"Go on"

What was it this time around?

"Novice has decided to call off the deal"



Hey there people!!!
Well honestly I'm feeling discouraged because there aren't much reads on this book. the few people who have Been supporting me,thank you so...much 🥺

Please remember to vote and share...tell your friends about the book.

I love you all
Stay safe


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