1: The Portkey

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Chicago, Illinois

After being in the countryside of France, it was hard to return to the plain suburbs of Chicago. Emory wished she could go back just to enjoy the luxuries of Paris. She loved to travel with her father, they went and visited magical schools all over that wanted him to teach.

But those travels never came with the luxuries of seeing the world outside of the schools. But Emory still loved it.

When she graduated from school she knew that she would become a professor and teach young students how to control their magic. But she also knew that her dream job would be the Headmistress of Ilvermorny.

After their trip to France, Emory came home to find out they had tickets to the Quidditch world cup. Her mother was a famous journalist for the American Wizarding Network, the most popular newspaper for American Wizards and Witches all over. Her company had bought the family tickets so she could write an article on the event.

Emory was overjoyed by the news, she herself didn't play Quidditch but one of her best friends in the whole wide world Ryder was in love with the sport. Claiming that he never needed to study because he would just be a professional Quidditch player. Ryder had written many letters to her about how excited he was about the match and that his parents had bought the family tickets.

Emory was looking forward to seeing him as they haven't seen each other since the last day of school. Emory was busy traveling the world and Ryder was away at a Quidditch camp the one week she was home.

Emory immediately wrote Ryder a letter telling him the good news. She called her snow white owl Venus to deliver the letter. Venus had a letter on her foot addressed to Emory, so she replaced the letter with the new one and sent her off to Ryder.

Emory looked at the letter and realized it was from Harry. And yes it was Harry Potter. Fleamont Potter had a younger sister about a year younger than him. His sister had also a son very late in life around the same time James was born. His name was Matthew Abbot. The two boys were as close as brothers even though they were only cousins. But soon the Abbot family moved to America for work. The boys only saw each other over the holidays, because Matthew attended Ilvermorny and James went to Hogwarts.

Harry was Emory's second cousin, but with both her parents being only children he was the closest thing she had to a cousin.

Dear Emory,
You will never believe what just happened. Ron invited me to go to the world cup with him, but I thought the Dursleys would never allow me to go. THEY DID!!!!!! Now Rons going to pick me up and take me to the Quidditch world cup, then I get to stay at his place till Hogwarts. No more Dursleys for me. Too bad Uncle Matthew and you are always traveling or else I could stay with you in America. Anyway did you get tickets for the cup, your friend Ryder probably got them you said he loved quidditch? Write me soon.
Love, Harry

Emory looked at the letter with a smile, seeing Harry's messy handwriting always made her in a good mood. It didn't click in her mind until later on that he would be at the world cup and they could meet in person and not just over letters. Now she was double excited for the world cup.


Waking up early wasn't normally something Emory struggled with, but it was this morning. The sun wasn't even up when Emory's alarm went off. Waking up in her bedroom with its white walls and pink decor she could not get out of bed.

After rolling around for five minutes she finally got up. Having showered the night before she put on the outfit she had laid out. A black leather skirt, a black crop top, and even though she would love to wear heels her parents warned her of a far walk ahead so she instead went for some Louis Veton sneakers. She felt the outfit wasn't enough so she threw a black blazer on to tie it all together.

After curling her hair, adding a pearl headband, pearl jewelry, and doing her makeup. She walked down the wooden stairs she made it to the kitchen where she joined her mother and father to eat breakfast.

They left just as the sun was rising each with a small piece of luggage that was magically expanded to fit a lot more than it seemed. After walking to the local park they found themselves next to the building housing the toilets.

"Behind .... this?" Emory asked tilting her head to the side.

"Yes, this is the only way." Elizabeth her mother said.

They walked behind the building to an out-of-sight area. Matthew looked around to see if there was anyone around and was happy to see it was completely empty.

"What are we doing," Emory asked her parents.

But they both ignored her, as they searched for something. Emory looked at both of them like they were crazy.

"Grab the old soda can Emory," Elizabeth said.

Emory looked at her like she had three heads. "Eww, I am not touching that thing. Do you know where it's been?"

"Do as your mother tells you Emory" Matthew said sharply.

"Father there must be another way --"

But before Emory could think, her father took her hand and placed it on the cool metal of the can.

Emory screamed, and the family spun incredibly fast into a circle. Faster and faster they spun gliding into the sky. Emory felt incredibly sick. They went higher and it had only been a few moments before they began spinning back down to earth, forcefully hitting the ground.

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