8: The Announcement

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Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Ayden wrote down what seemed like scribble down on a piece of practice paper.

He mischievously handed it to the friend behind him. It got passed all over the room.

Even though Divination was still in session, the idiot boys never took a break from the fun. Emory was meant to be in Magical Governments, but after an incident in the last class, the classroom was a mess. Their Professor gave them an off period.

Emory cat with Thalia in Divination 3. Before the note was handed straight to Emory, Thalia still chattered unfocused on the note.

"How's the career preparedness thingy turning out?" Thalia asked.

"Very good, but the Headmistress is becoming more strict ... I just hope my H.A.R.E.S will run smoothly," Emoery said doodling in her notebook.

Thalia focused her eyes on her friend's tea cup. Studying up close to the shaped tea leaves.

"Yes... yes, that's what I thought..." Thalia told herself. She set the cup down and then scanned her table for a pencil.

"Um... what..?" Emory scoffed, then became serious.

"Your leaves have the shape of a morning sun, meaning you will have great happiness further down the road," Thalia answered.

"Thanks, though I still don't know how to reach this," Emory squinted, trying to understand the blob, which kind of looked like a dog, in the cup.

She looked up again. "Seems like you will ace your H.A.R.E.S," Thalia said.

Suddenly, a boy threw a note rudely at the back of Thalia's head.

Emory gave a dirty stare at the jerk who threw it.

Thalia whispered dramatically, "You're a jerk, Joey." as she undid the folded and crumbled note thrown at her. Her eyes went sharp.

"What's the matter?" Emory asked.

"I think this is for you..." She said and passed the note. Emory took the note a quickly read it.

You should stop by Divination more often, you just light up the room

- Ayden

Emory blushed and looked over at the smirking boy. He made a large show of blowing her a kiss, which she caught and pretended to put in her bag. She looked back at Thalia who was smirking at the now pink girl.

The speakers violently screeched while they turned on. All the students looked up at the ceiling.

"Students of Ilvermorny!"

Everyone stopped everything they did being shushed.

"An important announcement is to be held right this instant in the feast hall."

Emory was taken aback, she frowned "Odd."

"Looks like we're in for a surprise," Thalia warned.


The students all gathered and hurried into the Feast Hall, assigned by a seat at a specific table.

Ryder caught up with the two girls and joined them at the Horned Serpent table, being separated by grade.

The entrance to the hall suddenly flew wide open. Making a grand opening to the headmaster. His long black coat flowed with the burst in.


Headmaster White stared deeply at the audience, joined by Headmistress Fontaine.

"You all could understand better than I, that Ilvermorny has been proposed something unusually special," He said.

All the boys leaned in to listen carefully. Girls giggled and perked up.

"By the counsel's decision, our school has accepted the invitation to participate in the Quadwizard Tournament!"

A burst of worried talk and gasps occurred. All the older students got really worried.

The hall became chaotic with the loud chattering of students.

Thalia turned around to perfectly meet eyes with Emory. Thalia shook her head, she looked frightened.

Emory instantly became fearful instead of happy. Did Thalia know something she didn't?

"This wonderful event has been placed in no other than in England at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

Emory's jaw dropped, "It can't be.." she whispered.

Ryder slammed his hand on the table. "You're joking!" He yelled. She could only imagine how mad he'd be, once he figured out there would be no quidditch this year.

"Silence please," The headmaster spoke. "Albus Dumbledore, the Hogwarts Headmaster informed us to travel there by ship. We will be competing directly with three other invited schools. The boy's school of Durmstrang and the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons, Hogwarts as well. We will be arriving at the end of October."

"Harry..." Emory breathed.

"Harry goes to Hogwarts, doesn't he," Ryder asked Emory who shook her head yes.

The headmaster went on, "You all seen excited for this event .... Unfortunately, I have more news."

The room became dead silent, the type where you could hear a pin drop.

"There will be boundaries." The Headmaster warned. "Given there are simply better students than others, the teachers and Misister of M-A-C-U-S-A, have decided that only fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh years, will be attending this event."

Younger students groaned and growled.

"Parents have been informed of your absence. For you older students this next month will be hard getting ready for the tournament. This is dangerous and for years the Quadwizard Tournament has taken lives of many brave warriors-"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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