Rain Shower

359 19 10

Travis' POV

"Here we go.." Mom helped me place Sal onto one of the backseats in the car. The wind around us started to pick up pace, and then I felt it. A raindrop, cold and soft to the touch.

I let out a sigh and wiped my eyes with my sleeve. It was all sticky from the dried tears. I wanted to splash my face with water and clean it up.

I looked at Sal's face. The mask was monotone, and his eyes shut. He looked so peaceful. God, I hope he is okay. What if he's hurt? I mean when I took him to the nurse the first time this happened, she said he could've had a fever or something. Is he still sick? Why did he come to school if he was??

"Travis, let's get into the car, okay?" She broke my train of thought as she spoke to me. Her eyes glued their gaze to mine. She looked so tired. What has she been doing?

"Okay mom.." I sniffled and got into the car. The rain was picking up, hitting the windshield more violently. I turned back in my seat to look at Sal. Please for the love of god, please wake up.

I bit my lip, my eyes watering again. Please, Sal. PLEASE.

"What exactly happened?" My mother asked, her hand finding it's way onto my shoulder. She lightly squeezed it waiting for my response.

Mother didn't start the car yet, so it was getting cold in the car. But I couldn't look away from Sal to turn it on myself. He twitched every so often- lost in his own world. "We uhm, we were just talking on the steps and- and he just sorta passed out?" I plopped back into my seat and let out another sigh, her hand falling off my shoulder. I felt my chest rise and fall as my breathing slowed down. "He seemed fine! I mean before when he passed out-"

"Before?" I jumped. Fuck, I never told my mom about the FIRST time. I tried to fucking AVOID that.

I looked at her, fear rising in me. "I..." she placed her hand on top of mine. "That one day I got into the car kinda spacing out? He passed out that day..and I took him to the nurses."

She looked at me for a long time. Her eyes moving back and forth between mine. "Was.." she took her hand off of mine and faced forward to the windshield. The rain was pouring by now. "Is, he the boy you like?"

"WHAT? I-" I nearly had a heart attack. What is she saying?! I don't know- I mean- I...

I gripped onto my shirt and shook with fear, the tears building back up. "...I.."

"Travis," she smiled. "It's okay to like boys. It's okay to be confused. And it's okay to not know entirely."

I looked over at her and couldn't help but blurt out what I felt. "I do, mom. I really like Sal."

She raised her hand and touched my face. "I'm proud of you, Travis. And God is proud of you too."

I felt my chest tighten. I cant go back now..

I finally said it. Why? What do I do now?

I feel...good. But scared? Worried. Anxious?

I looked back at her, my senses rushing back to me. I cant wait any longer to ask.

Sal's POV

The black room disappeared, and my head felt fuzzy. I opened my eyes. I was in a small car...with Travis?? And..his mom?

I started to move to sit up, but their conversation stopped me. "Where were you?" Travis, though blurry in my vision because I just woke up, placed his hand onto hers.

I fell back into my original position and closed my eyes again. What's happening? How long have I been passed out?

I gripped softly onto the car seat below me, it's cushions cold. The wind and rain were making their conversation a little hard to understand. "I..was at the church, Trav."

"What?! Why?"

"Your Father had work to do and he said I needed to tag along. You know how this goes Travis.."

"But you get hurt every time! Why do you keep going? What do you even do??"

My mind raced with questions and lose ends. All I remember is that..

Travis and the church are in relations because of his father, 1, and he is forced to work there after graduating, 2. And the voice...the voice reacted to me mentioning the church. Are they a higher power? An other worldly being? Maybe...maybe they live on earth? I mean hell, if there's a ghost realm maybe someone can communicate through telekinesis or something crazy.

I squeezed my eyes tighter, trying to focus in on their conversation- maybe I can get more information?

"Your father does those church meet ups remember? Planning on the next church service and finding fund raisers they can do to fund the church-"

"I didn't ask about father, I asked about you. What do you do if you're not apart of this group? How do you get so tired and weak from these meetups?" The air felt tense.

Shit, is this normal conversation in the Phelps house?

My hands became sweaty under the pressure I was putting onto them. I felt myself slipping.

"I-" My hand slipped underneath me, forcing me to catch myself, making a loud noise in the process.

"Sal?!" Travis jolted around and looked at me, his face filled with fear.


I sat up and rubbed my head with my hand. His mom looked back as well, her eyes shifting between Travis and I. "Am I in your car?"

"Yeah- I- Uhm, are you okay? Jesus, you scared me." He chuckled under the pressure.

I looked outside my window and saw the school. Why are we just sitting here? "Yeah, yeah..I'm okay." I looked back at Travis. "Thank you. And I'm really sorry for scaring you- I hope you're okay."

"Me?? Why are you worried about me? You're the one who passed out! Of course I'm okay-" I looked down at his hands. The blue ink was smeared from all the sweat. His sleeve cuffs were covered in tear stains. I hope he is being honest..

"I'm really happy you're okay.." Travis said, quietly. "Did you just black out? O-or did you have a dream?" Travis' eyes widened. "Did you have one of..those..dreams?"

I looked into his eyes, my heart racing. I didn't like seeing him this scared. "Yes, I had one of..those dreams." I tried to sell it off in a nice, joking way but it kinda came out sarcastic. He bit his lip, his gaze away from mine. "Travis, I promise I'm okay."

I looked over at Travis' mother. Her hair was brown and her skin was slightly lighter than Travis'. She looked back at me, her face filled with confusion- or maybe it was concern?

"Sal, where do you live? We can drop you off- I don't want you getting sick from this weather." Travis' mom smiled, breaking the slight tension in the air.

"Oh, uhm, I live in the Addison Apartments building. Thank you, really." I looked back out the window. My eyes stuck to the side mirror next to Travis. He was looking out the front windshield, tracing his palm creases with his finger.

The car rumbled as it started up. The school started to get farther and farther as we drove. The rain hitting the windows even harder. I traced the clouds over and over with my eyes, lost in thought.

How am I going to find out more information about the church if none of my friends nor I go there? And from what I'm gathering, Travis also can't gain insight on some of the things the church is doing. Also, why did the voice react? And how did the black room react to the voices emotions?

Guess I have some homework to do later.

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