Those Eyes Like Fire

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"Remind me again why the door opens outwards, into the hallway?" I questioned with a chuckle, always making sure to hide my mouth. I wasn't even visible but in the off chance I was I hid it anyway.

   "No idea, but it works out wonderfully for us!" Swiss cheered. He had some books clutched in his arms like how all the boys in my town would take the books to school. Apparently now everyone goes to school, which is crazy to think about.

   We made trips. We left the books down right next to the door then I followed Swiss to get some mud and put it in the cheap plastic bucket. We finally filled our bucket with dirt and some water to make it muddy and prepared our trap.

"Let's do it." Swiss said going to high five me and his hand phased through mine causing me to laugh and hide my mouth. He shook his head and set the bucket going into the room and picked up a book after putting on dew's favorite hoodie knowing dew will freak out if it's stretched.

"Swiss we all know you don't willingly read." I said, looking at him laughing.

"I know he will be confused and furious that I'm wearing his hoodie." Swiss said, smirking "Now go!"

I nod and wait until I spotted dew walking back from the rehearsal rooms, the ghouls have to walk past this hallway to get to their common room. I threw a book and it made a loud thump causing dew to instantly look down the empty and quiet hallway.

"What the fuck?" Dew muttered while walking to the book. I moved to the next when he picked up the book. "The knowledge of ghosts? Dove knock it off, it's not funny."

I threw the next book and quickly moved to the next and threw it out. Dew huffed and walked towards them picking the two next up.

"The knowledge of ghouls and ghouls and mates? Is this a sick joke? Stop trying to hook me up with Dove.  I don't like her." Dew yelled angrily into the void as I tried not to laugh.

I threw the next two quickly and aimed the second one where he'd see Swiss reading a book on ghouls in heat sitting in dew's hoodie. Dew picked up the next one not bothering reading the title and then the last doing the same. I watched as he stood up the hallway instantly getting extremely hot as I stood behind the very mad fire ghoul.

"Swiss? Why are you wearing my hoodie?" He boomed, grabbing the door handle to open it and take the hoodie from Swiss.

"Think fast." Swiss said with a smug smirk plastered on his face watching the bucket fall on Dew's head.

"Swiss, you are a dead man." Dew said, taking the bucket off his head. I stood in the doorway laughing at the scene and made myself visible.

"You? You were in on this too?" Dew seethed turning around towards me.

"We both planned it." I said looking up at Swiss the entire time as dew backed me into a corner.

"You ever do that again I'll figure out how to make you relive your death every day for the rest of your damn life and make it so miserable that you wish Azar and the rest of your friends never preserved you. Do you understand, Dove?" He said and spit my name at the end with so much venom that I was terrified.

I locked eyes with Swiss again as dew was in my face.

"Look at me Dove." Dew said angrily in my ear. I looked at him, fear written on my face. "Do you understand?" He repeated, possibly angrier then he was before.

I just nodded before disappearing again so he couldn't see me.

"I can still feel you, you coward." Dew said menacingly.

"What the fuck man?" Swiss yelled and shoved dew away from me. I phased through the wall before hearing a loud slapping sound from one of the boys that made me flinch.

"It was my plan to get revenge on you in our prank war, asshole!" Swiss yelled angrily.

"It would have been funny if the woman who was responsible for my brother being sent back to hell wasn't involved!" Dew retorted "Dove is just going to do the same shit to us she doesn't care grow up, Swiss!"

"Dew get over your brother! We get it, it's hard on you, how do you think we all feel! It's not easy being top side without family! Dove is here now whether you like it or not. If you have a problem with Dove you have a problem with me." Swiss said and took the hoodie, throwing it into the muddy bucket and storming out to find me not realizing I was in the hallway. Dew walked out not wearing his helmet and an evident handprint on his face holding the muddy sweatshirt.

"Why are you still here?" He asked, staring down the hallway. Not at all how I'd imagined this would go. Azar had never acted like this and the fact that Dew was terrified me.

I quickly left walking to go find Swiss. I phased into Swiss's room seeing him sitting on his bed.

"I'm sorry Dove." Swiss said softly.

"Swiss, it's not your fault. He's just stuck in the past." I said sitting next to him, laying my arm across his shoulders. His hand came up and he placed it over mine but it phased through. "How do you know my hand is there?" I asked.

"It's cold when you are near, but I can feel your body on mine. It's solid. You can touch me but I can't touch you yet I guess." He said with a smile "Your power is growing stronger."

Word count 979
Thanks again to @claudia _rose_ they were a huge help with this chapter!

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