Strange book

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It is the first day of the last year of junior high for one Izuku Midoriya. He is currently running away from his ex-best friend from childhood and his two goons. Now why is he currently running away will that would be because their homeroom teacher found it necessary to tell the whole class that he had applied for UA and Bakugo didn't take kindly to that. The reason for this is that Izuku is quirkless and unlike the rest of his classmates or actually the whole world have some kind of power while he doesn't have any.

Izuku did mange to get packed and leave the classroom before almost being cornered by his tormentor but before anything could happen Izuku took off in a dead sprint which lead to the chase that is happening now. Izuku had ran out towards the back of the school not the exact way he wanted to go but he did and he ran into the forest behind the school. Of course his pursuers followed him wanting to teach him"where his place was" as they liked to put it.

Izuku kept running though especially because he could here the explosive teen behind him setting of explosion after explosion after explosion in pursuit of him. Izuku was really hoping a fire didn't start due to Bakugo's reckless use of his quirk. Izuku was unfortunately at this point starting to get tired from running for so long it had practically been an hour since this had all started. Izuku looked around and saw a small hole in the side of a mountain and sprinted for it before pushing his back pack into it before climbing in himself. He didn't care if this was dangerous or not it was better than being beaten practically to death in his mind.

Once in the hole Izuku dropped down into a small cave where his bag had landed as well. He got still reach the hole he came through but figured he would move deeper into the cave while making sure he could still see the exit but no one would be able see him if they looked in. Izuku grabbed his bag and moved further into the cave and luckily after a few minutes of waiting further from the hole he could hear the sound of explosions growing further and further away. Izuku let out a sigh of relief that he had gotten away even if he know that he only stopped it for now and they would be twice as bad tomorrow.

Izuku was about to leave the cave when he all of a sudden heard a sound and saw a red glow out of the corner of his eye. Izuku saw the red light and decided to check it out since his curiosity got the better of him plus he thought he might as well give it a few more minutes for Bakugo to really give up on the hunt for him. Izuku got closer to the red glow and saw what looked like steps leading up to a pedestal. Izuku walked up to it to find a black with red accents book with a green what seem to be ninja mask in the center glowing the red he saw earlier. Izuku reached out to the book almost on instinct and when he touched it the book flew open with pages flipping through and the symbols in those pages glow a bright gold. Izuku felt himself fall but when he looked around he was... falling through the pages of the book.

The next thing he knew he had hit the ground hard but managed to stand up after a few moments. Izuku looked around and saw that everything seemed to be made out of paper.

"Where am I?" Izuku wondered aloud. Unfortunately or fortunately for Izuku depending on how you look at it he got a response. Words flowed together in front of him and answered him.

"Hello young one you are currently in me the Ninjanomicon," Izuku was just staring at the words for a few moments processing everything before trying to rationalize it.

"Ok Izuku you actually knocked your self out when you climbed into that cave trying to avoid your tormentors and now your having a very weird dream yeah that's what happening..." before Izuku could continue he was slapped in the face by what looked to be a person made of paper in a black and red ninja attire. The words than came up again.

"I can assure you Izuku Midoriya this is no dream and before you ask the reason I know your name is because I looked through your mind when you touched me." The words read.

"So wait your the book but that can't be right this could only be the doing of someones quirk or a dream mumble mumble..." Izuku was once again slapped by the paper ninja get him out of his thoughts to see the words form again.

"I am far older than any quirk Izuku Midoriya and my powers are also far stronger than what quirks you have seen are capable of though I will admit there may be some just as strong," the words read before reforming into a new sentence, "this new world with quirks does interest me and I can feel something dark approaching which means I need a new vessel to use my powers and from how this new world works we can get rid of two rules of old."

Izuku watched as a list of rule came out of nowhere and a rule about keeping the identity a secret was crossed out and a rule about the time to transfer the mask to a new user was crossed out. Izuku was still a bit skeptical about all of this but the next words he read surprised him.

"Izuku Midoriya you wish to become a hero though you lack a quirk or power to do so but I have looked through your memories," the next thing Izuku knew all around him memories and moments throughout his life were being shown all around him like they were on some kind of monitor. From the moment he was diagnosed quirkless, his mother crying telling him she was sorry, along with the most recent thing with Bakugo telling him to take a swan dive off the roof before Izuku booked it away from them but, through it all the times he tried to protect or help someone else showed through the most and the brightest. Izuku was brought out of his thoughts when the words changed again, "Izuku Midoriya you have shown that all you want is to help others no matter what even when the world is against you your will to help powers through it all that is the most important thing for a new ninja to have willpower and the drive to help others above oneself I wish to bestow you the powers of the ninja."

Izuku fell to his knees crying as he read the next few lines from the Ninjanomicon, "you too can be a hero you can be the next ninja," Izuku stood up after a few moments and asked a question.

"If you have looked through my mind why choose me you could pick anyone else there are tons of heroes out there that you could work with and give that power too why me?" Izuku asked.

"Simply you are the first human I have had contact with in over centuries and you also have a pure heart yes those heroes and other people they have powers and would be more likely to use the ninja's abilities as a secondary tool not ever realizing it's full potential but you this will be your power and with my guidance you will bring out all of its potential to protect others from darkness and dangers of this world," the words read before shifting to a question, "do you accept?"

Izuku looked at the words with a determined expression forming on his face as he stood taller before giving his response, "I accept I will be a hero I will be the ninja," Izuku said while raising his right hand up and clenching it into a fist.
Just had this idea and couldn't resist writing it so now it is here I hope everyone has a good day and enjoys the story.

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