Entrance exam part two

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Izuku was running around the fake city using his basic ninja training and basic combat training. That was until he felt the ground rumble close by and saw people running past his. Izuku looked to his right to see the looming figure of the zero pointer.

"Nedzu did you have to add this thing to the exam I mean it's massive," Izuku said to himself while looking around before he heard something else which brought his attention back to the zero pointer. The zero pointer had popped open some hatches on its shoulders revealing mounted mini-turrets that started shootings at the exam takers and the zero pointer destroyed buildings nearby it. Izuku saw people still running around close to it and saw the building starting to crumble.

"That is so not good ok time to bring out the big guns or in my case ninja magic time!" Izuku said as he started to move his hands around while speaking, "Times getting tight so give me a hand to win this fight I need warrior of sand!" Izuku said the last part while slamming his hand on the ground which cracked from the force. A second passed and than sand shot out of the ground creating four sand ninjas.

"Sandjas go and rescue people and get them to safety protect them back to the entrance than go and help more I need to bring out something bigger to deal with the big guy so one of you try and distract it go!" Izuku ordered the sandjas which split up three going to rescue while the last started climbing a building while throwing sand shuriken at the zero pointer, "alright time for the next creature," Izuku said while taking a breath before starting.

"We're under siege from a sturdy warrior so a guardian of the ground is what I seek so come forth our concrete warrior," Izuku stomped his foot on the ground and than it started to rise up. It kept rising as it changed shape until it was the height of the zero pointer and the creature was a giant samurai made of concrete, "concreurai take out the zero pointer but keep damage to the surroundings to a minimum."

The concrete warrior nodded its head and moved towards the zero pointer while Izuku jumped down using the nearby buildings to slide to the ground and help rescue people. Izuku saw someone crushed under some rubble and went over to them and got the rubble off this gave him a better view of who was under their. It was a girl with green hair similar to his and she had sharp teeth.

"Thanks for that," she said while floating half of her body up now that it wasn't pinned under rubble this also freaked Izuku out a bit.

"No problem do you need help getting back to the entrance?" Izuku asked.

"Nope I am good other than one of my legs are in major pain but I will be fine," she said. Izuku looked at her legs before crouching down and extending his hands. The girl was wondering what he was doing when she saw energy gather around his hands and than around her legs.

"Ninja healing," Izuku said as the energy flowed onto her legs he stood up after a second, "ok you should be good to walk now instea... ninja tengu fire ball attack," Izuku was saying before he saw a robot coming from behind the girl ready to attack so he pulled her out of the way and sent a fireball at the robot destroying it. "Shoo that was close are you ok by the way," Izuku asked the girl who he was holding a little close to him causing her to blush but she quickly hid it as she reattached her lower body.

"Y yeah thanks and also thanks for the healing oh by the way the names Setsuna Tokage," she said with a wide smile.

"Nice to meet you I am Izuku Midoriya and now if you don't mind I need to stop the giant kaiju fight I have started with my giant golem," Izuku said as he let go of her and turned to help his golem seeing as their weren't any other people that needed saving at the moment, "also I recommend getting to the entrance this is going to get very dangerous."

"Awww but this is literally a dream come true to see what is essentially a kaiju fight up close I mean it is awesome," Tokage said as she watched the concreurai slash at the zero pointer with its giant katana while the zero pointer blocked and punched the concreurai.

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