First day at UA

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"IMPOSSIBLE! I call bullsh....," All Might was slapped by Aizawa.

"I always wanted to do that," Aizawa said with a smile, "now than Naomasa can confirm everything."

"It's true Yagi he is one hundred person quirkless everything you saw him do was what he calls ninja magic," Naomasa said.

This conversation has been going on for literally hours trying to convince All Might not to hunt down Izuku and practically kill the kid.

"And I am telling you it is impossible there is no wa..." All Might was cut off by Aizawa slapping him again.

"Best day ever," Aizawa said, "the only thing that could make this better is if I could do this while sleeping."

"Anyway we will come back to this later right now we need to discuss a situation involving a certain student and their record I have found," Nedzu said while showing the record to the teachers.

"Don't you mean two students?" Aizawa asked.

"The compromise I have in mind should take care of both so there isn't much need to discuss the other now this is my plan..." Nedzu explained.

Izuku was making his way to room 1-A wondering who he would have as classmates. Nedzu had assured him that Bakugo if he got in would be in a different class so Izuku didn't have to worry about him at least. But he was still a bit worried just in case that blue haired teen was in his class. Izuku was brought out of his thoughts when he saw the giant door of classroom 1-A. Izuku decided not to question it since he already knew how eccentric Nedzu could be. Izuku opened the door and entered the class only to be grabbed by someone.

"Hey my fellow green hair isn't this great we're in the same class," Tokage said with a arm slung over Izuku's shoulder.

"Ah ah Tokage-San um yeah it is good," Izuku said while also trying to keep his blush from showing.

"Come on this way there an open seat next to mine," Tokage said while pulling Izuku who just let this happen while he looked around seeing that they were the only ones here.

"Um... Tokage-San we're the only ones here all of the seats are open," Izuku said.

"I know and I didn't expect you too get here early so let's talk while we wait for the others," Tokage said with a smile but Izuku also noticed a note of mischief in her eyes. Izuku sat down anyway and started talking and over time the class filled up and Tokage would talk to some people and get them to seat in seats close by. Izuku felt a cold chill down his spine when he noticed she was get girls to seat in seats that surrounded his own. By the time Izuku realized this it was too late as all of the seats not in the middle of most of the girls in the class was taken. Izuku looked to Tokage and she was giggling at his reaction seeing he had just realized what she did.

"This is why you arrived early isn't?" Izuku asked.

"I don't know what your talking about," Tokage said in a mock innocent tone before it shifted to a smirk, "the idea came when you were the second person through the door actually."

"Of course it was," Izuku said before one of the other girls near him started to try talking to him which lead to others doing the same. Tokage just sat in her seat as she watch Izuku blush and stutter while trying to talk to the girls around him causing her to giggle. Izuku and Tokage had texted each other a lot over the week waiting for their acceptance letters and had hung out during that time. During their time hanging out Izuku realized that Tokage enjoyed teasing people which was unfortunate for him since he was only able to take teasing when he wore the ninja mask and he couldn't wear it all the time. Right now though he was about ready to put on the mask right now if it meant he could stop feeling nervous around all these girls. Luckily Izuku was saved when Aizawa showed up which made the whole class go silent.

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