Training and meeting a pro

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It has been a month since Izuku had found the ninjanomicon and started training for the UA high entrance exam. That first night Izuku got an explanation about why he acted differently and the ninjanomicon said it wasn't the mask and was more Izuku just being himself in that kind of situation without worrying about people knowing who he was or mocking him. After learning that Izuku could understand it since he never stutter when he was by himself and he never doubted himself when he was alone. It was only ever when he was around others that he did those things and if hiding his face helped him stay in that state of confidence and not in his shyness than he was even more thankful for being given the chance to be the ninja.

As for training Izuku has been training within the ninjanomicon itself to learn how to fight and use weapons but he also realized he needed to work out his body in the physical world more even if the ninja powers give him physical enhancements even without the mask it was better to be safe than sorry. So Izuku found Takoba municipal beach park which has essentially been turned into a dump. Izuku didn't care since he could get a good work out done while also doing some community service. It also didn't hurt that it was free and he didn't have to pay a ton of money to go to a gym. Izuku has been coming to the beach five days out of every week for the entire month and he wasn't going to stop until the beach was cleared. Of course the trash also had its other uses such as letting him use his ninja abilities on things in the real world rather than just stuff in the ninjanomicon. It felt different since the ninjanomicon could give him access to abilities he hasn't learned or unlocked yet in the real world so while he is here he could try and bring forth those other abilities without the ninjanomicon help. He had some trouble with it but has been getting closer to some of the magic he should be able to use. He also used the trash as target practice or training post. In other words it was a perfectly secluded paradise for training to him.

Izuku was there now trying to bring out ninja rage. He was seating on a pile of trash in a meditation position in his ninja outfit trying to recreate what he felt in the ninjanomicon two days ago when it allowed him to use the ability within itself. He understood what he needed to do but it was difficult to get the feeling down. He simply needed to let his rage out in a controlled way essentially but this was especially difficult since he doesn't get angry all that often. He also felt like he was missing something and knew he was because what he was feeling wasn't the same as what he felt when using the power in the ninjanomicon. Izuku sighed and stood up and decided to be more active with this so he would focus on trying to bring out his rage while he practiced his other techniques. Izuku decided to start with swordplay before moving onto his bo-staff and than onward to other weapons. The last thing Izuku decided to practice was his shuriken throwing and by this point Izuku had been practicing with his various weapons for hours and the sun was almost setting. As Izuku threw his shuriken he was frustrated with not being able to use the power and with his last throw he screamed as he hurled the shuriken but, this release of his frustration and rage at not being able to do it caused his hand to turn red with a yellow glow around it and this sent a fireball out with the shuriken.

Izuku stared at the where the fire was sent to and than at his hand. Izuku quickly tried to memorize the feeling and spread it out through his whole body. After a few seconds the red color traveled all over his body and the green accents of his suit had turned black with his eyes turning red and their is a yellow glow outlining his body. Izuku breathed in and out as he felt the feeling of this power was like a inferno within himself and he was just directing it allowing it out rather than keeping it with in. But it also felt basic and like he was using his own anger from over the years of being bullied and finally releasing it. Izuku also felt the rage trying to consume him but he was keeping it in check.

Izuku looked in front of him after finally getting a understanding of the power and brought out his sword which lit on fire as he ran his hand over the blade. Izuku started practicing with this powerful for a little while longer before dematerializing his scarred weapons and allowing ninja rage to deactivate. Izuku took off the mask which made the suit disappear as well and he was gathering his thing's getting ready to leave when a voice called out to him from behind.

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