Training and Entrance exam

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It has been ten months and within this time Izuku has learned many different things from the ninjanomicon but that isn't all. It turns out Nedzu proposal was for Izuku to train at UA under the watchful gaze of both Nedzu and Aizawa. This would allow them to keep the secret that the ninja powers could be passed on a secret and keep Izuku out of trouble. Izuku still went to Takoba beach to clean it though and now it was a nice clean beach. But during the ten months Nedzu found Izuku's notebooks and started helping Izuku develop his analytical skills. Aizawa gave him tips for his scarf and for hand to hand combat when he had time. Izuku also gained more control over his ninja abilities and magic he was also able to unlock ninja cold rage three months before the exam since it was a strange combination of releasing his anger but not in the same way as just ninja rage. He also learned other abilities during this time and the ninjanomicon even allowed him to meet with a copy of the passed ninja which help him improve a bit from listening to their stories on how they used the power. (By the way the ninja he met was Randy I might put their meeting in a flashback in a later chapter.)

Unfortunately for Izuku the people at his school still bullied him but he didn't let it get to him. Though he could have done without Bakugo trying to explode him at every opportunity. Izuku did try to hide it from Nedzu and Aizawa but since they watched Izuku train with and without the ninja outfit they eventually saw the burns, scars, and bruises. This brought up a conversation during the second month of training Izuku really didn't want to talk about and managed to get them to postpone it for a bit of time but it wasn't long. Since the week after he came in with a slight limp and that made them seat him down to talk.
"Midoriya mind telling me why your limping?"Aizawa asked with a stern face which caused Izuku to flinch at his look which he immediately turned away from.

"I I don't k know w w what your talking about Aizawa sensei," Izuku said while scratching his head not able to look his teacher in the eye.

"Come on now Mr. Midoriya you can tell us," Nedzu said before smirking, "besides until you tell us everyday you come here we will seat here until it's time for you too leave. Instead of allowing you to train you will be seating here."

Izuku hated how good the principal was at figuring out ways to get people to do what he wanted but sighed in defeat since he know it wasn't a threat as much it was a promise, "fine if it lets me train." Izuku said before taking a deep breath to calm his nerves which he has been having to do less as of late but it helped at times like this.

"I am being bullied at my school," Izuku said while scratching the back of his head.

"What kind of bullying?" Aizawa asked with a raised eyebrow, "and why haven't you told anyone about it yet."
Izuku gulped some saliva as he spoke, "the physical kind like beating me and some even use their quirks on me," Izuku said while still looking away so he didn't see his teachers face turn into a grimace and a scowl before he continued.

"And um... we'll you see I tried telling someone at first but the t teachers just ignored it saying something along the lines of a delinquent trying to get their stars in trouble so it just never did any good to tell anyone," Izuku said while still scratching his neck, "plus since I am quirkless they don't bother with me the only reason my permit record is clean is because they threatened me if I told anyone what the other students were doing to me they would put all of those students misbehaving action on my record." Izuku could feel a cold chill coming from where Aizawa and Nedzu was seated across from him but, when he looked back he had noticed Aizawa had moved next to him and their was a purple aura surrounding Nedzu and he had a red glint shining in his dark black eyes.

"I see and what pray tell is your junior high name," Nedzu asked in a far too cheerful tone of voice for how he looked at the moment.

Izuku just told him the name since he was honestly terrified by what he was seeing, "Aldera junior high sir."

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