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Katsuki Bakugo had been unbelievably pissed all day and for only one reason. Deku the quirkless nerd had managed to get first place in the entrance exam and what was worse is that he wasn't even in the same class as the nerd so he could put him in his place. Bakugo also had to seat through in his opinion a stupid orientation while he heard that the other hero class got to go and some kind of assessment which they would be doing later as well but it wouldn't be until after lunch. On his way to lunch Bakugo saw the person for his horrible mode and stalked towards their table yelling out at Deku.

"Deku you cheater how did you get into the hero course you quirkless freak?!" Bakugo said as he marched forward with small explosions happening in his hands. Izuku had stiffen up when he heard that insult of a name and the explosions. Izuku looked over to see Bakugo.

"Oh um...hey Baku..." Izuku was cut off as he was hit with a explosion that sent him across the table and onto the ground on the other side. Izuku's new friends were shocked to see him get blasted away like that. They quickly stood up with Shoji blocking Bakugo's path forward with Sato stepping up next to Shoji.

"Move it Octo and fat lips I have business with Deku not you two extras! So move before I blast you two also," Bakugo said with a angry look. Meanwhile Tokage, Mina, Toru, and Yanagi we're checking on Izuku.

"Hey Midori you okay," Tokage asked worriedly while she helped him up. Izuku sat up and began to stand but Yanagi stopped him.

"After taking such a concussive force to the face and chest areas as you have it would be best to stay stationary in hopes of not aggravating any burns and to help in case you have gained a concussion from the impact," Yanagi said while trying to keep him in place.

"I'm fine," Izuku winced at the next words that came out of his mouth as he continued to get up, "not the first time I have been hit like that." The girls near him had shocked expression by what he said but that quickly turn back to worry. Izuku got up and saw Bakugo glaring at him.

"So Deku how did you get into the hero course you quirkless freak!" Bakugo yelled for everyone in the cafeteria too hear as he stared pass Shoji and Sato. Everyone from class 1-A were confused by what Bakugo was saying but before any of them could voice their confusion Izuku did something. Izuku had saw a dark corner right behind him and had stepped back while maintaining eye contact with Bakugo.

"Where are you going Deku scared huh because you should be," Bakugo said but Izuku just shock his head as he stepped into the shadows with everyone watching him. Izuku thought "conceal," and he disappeared from sight before reappearing behind Bakugo before speaking.

"I didn't cheat Bakugo if that is what you were wondering," everyone in the cafeteria was startled to see Izuku appear from out of nowhere behind the other boy who had attacked him. Bakugo himself went wide eyed and spun around to find Izuku not even a inch away from him which startled the explosive blond. As for Izuku friends they were surprised to see him standing as if nothing happened after that explosion and than disappearing to only appear behind the boy who attacked him. They also noticed how the two takes to each other.

"What I did do Bakugo is I trained and learned various different ways to fight and do other things so I could be a hero simple as that nothing else," Izuku said while thinking, "at least nothing else you need to know that is." Izuku jumped over Bakugo doing a front flip and landing in front of Sato and Shoji before walking passed them while speaking.

"Thanks guys for keeping him away but you may want to move to the side now," Izuku said which the two boy while confused did and it was a good thing they did as the blond boy had threw his arm out in between them and let off an explosion. What Bakugo had not expected was for his arm to be grabbed. Than he got flipped on to the ground with his arms being pinned near his face with his palms facing his face. Izuku looked up before looking around to see if a teacher was finally coming to stop this craziness luckily one was. Aizawa was making his way over to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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