A sludgy situation

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After talking to the Ninjanomicon for what felt like hours Izuku open his eyes to see he was laying on the ground in front of the pedestal that the book was on. Izuku got up and was wandering if all of that was a dream but the moment his thoughts even went that way the Ninjanomicon would glow showing him it was all real. Izuku was about to grab the Ninjanomicon when it suddenly opened up and revealed a black with red accents ninja mask.

Izuku took the mask in his hands and when he did it glowed and he felt energy enter his body which caused him to glow as well. The mask than changed slightly to where it was primarily black but instead of red accents, the accents were now a dark forest green with the accents around the eyes forming two crescent moon shapes facing opposite directions. Izuku felt better than what he had in a long time he felt stronger, faster, like he could do anything. But he shock that off remembering that the Ninjanomicon had told him that he would gain at least above peak human physical abilities just by being the ninja and when he put on the mask it would be increased to far beyond that. Though Izuku thought he would have to train his body a bit more before that actually. Izuku decided to seat down for a moment and think over everything to sort everything out. When he looked at his phone he saw that he had only been in the book for a minute even though it felt like hours inside. But Izuku decided it was best to write this stuff down so he got out his notebook while placing the mask in his pocket and began to write.

Thirty minutes later Izuku had most of his thoughts and information the ninjanomicon gave him written down and sorted through. Izuku grabbed the ninjanomicon and placed it in his backpack before finding the hole he entered trough and climb out of it much easier than he thought he could. Once out Izuku started making his way home.

Izuku had made it out of the forest and was walking home when a explosion occurred close by. Izuku stiffened up and quickly looked around but didn't see his tormentors but did hear another explosion. Izuku followed the sound to a crowd of people which he pushed his way through to get a better look at what is happening. Izuku saw a creature made out of what appeared to be sludge and it was at the center of all this. Izuku looked around and saw some heroes saving people from burning buildings nearby but he didn't see anyone trying to take out the villain.

Izuku looked back to the villain and saw something moving in the sludge before another explosion went of and than Izuku saw it red eyes. Red eyes that were connected to non other than Bakugo who was trying to get out of the sludge. Izuku saw Bakugo's eyes and they looked like they were conveying to him that he needed help. Izuku's legs we're about to move for him to run but he realized that there is hardly anything he could do or at least at the moment anyway. Izuku quickly left the crowd while thinking back to what the ninjanomicon taught him while he was in it.

"So what exactly are the ninjas powers?" Izuku asked.

"The ninja has a wide arsenal of powers and tools that can aid them in their endeavors but a few powers are different from others. An example would be that you will probably use your scarf for all sorts of things but you will have access to many weapons and even magic after training for some time."

"Magic that's real?"

"Yes the last ninja had actually managed to unlock practically all of his powers in just his first year and defeat the ninja mortal enemy. I will be training you in all of these powers but for now let me show you the basics." A ninja made out of paper than appeared and started showing Izuku the various weapons at his disposal and how to properly use them and letting him try them out himself.

This gave Izuku an idea for what he could do, "That's it ok now to do this as best I can and hope no one comes after me for technically breaking the law," Izuku said before running into a alleyway and putting on the ninja mask. The next thing he knew black and green fabric had wrapped around him once he was fully in the suit he opened his eyes which glowed in the dark of the alley.

Izuku and the NinjanomiconWhere stories live. Discover now