Chapter 7

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"The jinn are of three types: a type that has wings and they fly through the air; a type that looks like snakes and dogs; and a type that stops for a rest then resumes its journey." (Reported by At-Tahawi in Mushkil Al-'Athar)


Rattling through my keys I finally find the house key. Holding the door handle I am about to insert the key when the door is pushed back with just a slight touch of my hand, wide open.

Oh gosh, I must have forgotten to lock the door in the morning.

After entering, and locking the door firmly behind me, ignoring the fact that there was a black car parked in the driveway of the house opposite ours or that I could feel his gaze dig in my back, I ignored everythig and hit play on the caller ID phone machine which was blinking a red light, indicating a message recorded.

"Aslaam alikum, how are you both?"
Daddys voice starts off, bringing an instant smile on my lips. I listened to his message as I threw my bag in the corner and put in a chicken pot pie in the oven. Yummy pastry goodness.

"Hussain you better behave, not fight with your sister.Your mother is stable but she is still in the hospital.Right now your mom is sleeping. It was hard to drag her out of the hospital and get her to rest. I feel silly talking to myself, anyways my loves take the best care of yourself. Momma and Daddy miss you guys so much. Guess you both are at school so I will call you later."

Just hearing Daddys voice brings comfort to me, and he promised that after our graduation we could all go back to NZ. Finally I let a light smile form. There was only one guy in the world who could make everything thing better with a few well chosen perfect words.

The pie is still not ready so I head upstairs to have a quick shower and then I can relax, eat and watch YouTube videos. What better way to relax?

In the bathroom I strip away my clothes, stepping into the scalding hot shower just the way I like it. I stand with the water hiting my bac, unknotting the tense muscles. I wash away all the anger, anxiety and reeks betrayal, I mentally visioned all of this emotional gunk slide away from me until I was left with smooth now slightly pink skin. The strawberry smell of my hair indulges me and I let out a deep breath. Stepping out of the shower I wrap a white soft gown and then I wrap a purple towel around my dripping wet hair.

I head over to the sink to put on some moisturizer when I catch a flash of black through the mirror. Squinting my eyes I turn around and I see nothing out of the ordinary near the door.

Perfect. Now I am going crazy. But then I catch a movement from the corner of my eye. Okay I am so not hallucinating. There by the pile of my old clothes was a serpent, staring at me with alertness and far too much intelligence for a normal snake. Analysing me and it slowly began to sway side to side. My heart was racing a million miles an hour, this way my worse ever fear.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

My heart was slamming against my rib cage threatening to jump out. My breath becomes quick raspy pants and I grip the edge of the counter for anything that could be a weapon. I raise my hair brush in front of me, my pathetic weapon only aggravates the sleath serpent, it's face was up gawking up at me, it's bulging red eyes were glued to my face and I never feared for my life more than at that time.

For a moment I was frozen, unable to move but then finally and slowly I edged towards the door and in a rush I pulled the bathroom door open and ran out. I was near the stairs when a shirtless guy caught my wrist and pulled me in. I hugged his stone cold chest. Sense of security surronded me and he kissed my forehead quickly.

"Thank god your okay. Where is he?" Hunter asked scanning the foyer.

What? Who is where? Does he mean the snake? How did Hunter get in?
So many questions flooded my brain but I was unable to convert them into words.

Just then a young man steps out from the bathroom, dressed in a black cloak with red lines. How was there a guy coming out my bathroom, a bathroom I just came out of few minutes ago. Panic started to rise, what is going on? Will Hunter think that I've been fooling around? No he was far too focused on the protruding figure.

Aligning himself in front of Hunter, I saw that he had a handsome face. Icy light blue eyes, charp cheekbones and jaw with a slightly chapped mouth. His body on the other hand was worthy of a gladiator and Hercules combuned. He spoke in a deep whisper like voice.

"Well your fast Haroon, but I can't harm you, unfortunately. Just give me the girl and if you try to protect her and I walk away alive then you know she will be ordered to death."

"Knowing what you know from that night I can't let you walk away." Hunter says, his tone dead serious. I have never seen him like this before.

He pulls out a silver blade from his waisband with some runes and Arabic words carved into it.

"Stay back and you should close your eyes, this won't be pretty Aiza"

When he said Aiza instead of Squirell I realized the magnitude and the reality of the situation.

Hunter took a step forward as did the Hercules lookalike. A slash of a sword far too fast to notice. Blood splatter everywhere. An agonizing grunt. The figure by my feet moved slightly.

"Forgive me. I tried."

Clasping my heart, my scream echoed through the neighbourhood.


Well then we said we'd update and we did. I am editing this at 11:08pm and the light of my room is off and the candle is flickering so yea got a bit scared meself. But Morgan and I have sooo much planned for this book, inshallah it will all be great! So please vote, share and the most important comment!


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